dog breeds that will not chase chickens

I know this is a really old post, but I was hoping that "Corgiscatsandchickens" might reply and give some helpful hints on how to train a Pembroke Welsh corgi not to chase chickens! We just adopted a 15 month old boy from a breeder, and the girls are terrified of him. We have a Golden and they are absolutely fine with him, plus they have met other dogs and had no problems. I think they think the corgi is a fox! They completely freaked out when they saw him and literally flew to get away from him. That, of course, excites him - and while I have him on a leash, he is dying to chase or herd them. He's fine with my cat, because the cat doesn't run - he stands his ground, and they get along fine. Any ideas on how to train Cooper not to chase the girls? Keep him on a leash and redirect him to me, give him treats and eventually they will de-sensitize to each other? Would appreciate any "corgi instructions"! I have six girls who free range most of the day, no rooster.
Thank you!!
I don't think there will be a breed that doesn't chase them. Excpescially if you don't want a small dog.

Small dogs are way more likely to chase than large ones, as most of the really small dogs were bred to run through bushes and kill things, and most of the really large dogs were bred to guard things.

Stay away from the sight hounds (greyhounds, etc). Any of the guardian dog breeds will work well as long as they're trained properly. ALL dogs need to be trained.
We have an Australian Shepherd. She herds ducks, geese, sheep, goats, and now my chickens. She has never attacked them. She does drop tennis balls on their heads from time to time because she wants them to play with her but that's the most harm done so far. I don't know if it is a breed thing or our particular dog. Aussies are incredibly smart and easily trained. She will kill anything you tell her too but she will also ignore what you tell her too. Maybe look for a dog that already works with or lives with birds that needs rescuing.
if you get a puppy, training it to be around the chickens is your best bet. our dogs dont chase cats because they are raised with them. our birddog, a german short hair is so well trained he wont chase them though he is two. it just depends on you training the dog. letting a puppy be by your side when you feed or work with the chickens is a good way to train. be careful, the chickens may do the chasing and sour it on them

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