dog dilemma


Artful Wings
15 Years
Mar 1, 2009
Muskogee OK
hi folks- i have a bit of an issue, and need ideas- we have 2 'dump' dogs we need to rehome- they love chasing cattle and aren't poultry friendly- the neighbor has threated to shoot them if they go after his cattle, fully understandable! but- how to rehome these two, for now they are chain in a fenced in area- refuse to send them to the pound, put them on craigs list, none of the rescues are responding to my calls- gotta love small towns! so what would you do???


There are no good options here, either. I'd try an ad in our local paper, in your position. Good luck!
awww what cuties.

"Shelters" are DEFINITELY a bad idea. The back rooms of shelters are right out of any animal /animal lover's very worst nightmares!
keep after the rescues. Pester them .They are usually rather busy so you have to just keep contacting them. Also, even if the rescue is 100 or so miles away ,get in touch with them. A lot of rescue people will work out a relay transport to get an animal from point "A" to point "B" in order to save it's life. Remember they are all animal lovers also...
In any case, don't give up on them.
I would take pics of them with...a white fedora and a matching white collar on the black dog, and with a bright or catchy bandana on the tan & maybe a backpack with water get the idea...then list them with their hobo stories on every outlet like petfinders and such that reaches people without livestock. Making them stand out from so many others out there might help. Good luck!
Don't put them down!!!!!!

This is a tough situation that you have found yourself in. How long have you been trying to re-home them?
I am assuming that since you said they are chained in a fence, they find a way out of the fence alone..........
Try, your local papers, etc.........if you haven't already.
Some times a donation can help convince a rescue or shelter to take them. You said you're in a small town. Are there any larger cities with rescues or no kill shelters in your surrounding area?
Keep them yourself and keep them confined to chains and fences..... or put them down if you think they are better off dead. Tough choices, but the only two I see.

If you continue to try to find them new homes make sure the prospective owners know of ALL their bad habits.
Petfinder classifieds, , , fliers at the vet offices, feed stores, ask the local shelters if they'll let you put something up on their boards, newspaper ads..... The more people you talk to about putting up fliers or ads the more people who will go "awww" and spread the word locally about some poor abandoned dogs.

Have you checked them for microchips? Vets and shelters will do it free and sometimes even if the owner dumped them the chip will lead back to a certain rescue or breeder who will take the dogs.

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