Dog Experts, What Would You do if...


9 Years
Jul 26, 2010
You're out on your farm, in a large field, alone, and you see an unfamiliar dog on your land.

The dog does not wag its tail, put its head down, grin or smile, growl or put its hackles up. Its tail is in a half up half down position, motionless. It stands still, and then starts coming toward you at a brisk walk, with its head up, and its mouth closed. It does not show any teeth or growl or bark. It makes eye contact with you.

The dog is about 140 lbs, about 36 inches at the shoulder, powerfully built, heavily coated, and is of a breed that you are not familiar with. You have read the newspaper for the area and you recall that a dog of this description was involved in a reported human bite incident a few houses down from you.

Perhaps you might say, 'go home, git! Go on, git!' and the dog continues to come toward you (perhaps you wouldn't speak to the dog, please include if you would speak to the dog and how).

There is now about eight or ten feet of distance between you and the dog and the dog is continuing to move in a straight line toward you at a steady gait. What would you do?

Please folks, no arguing or cutting down anyone's response. I'm looking for a wide range of reactions and will not endorse nor disagree with any response. Please draw on your experience with dogs and your ideas about this dog's presentation to you, and what you should do.

THis came out of a girl's night out chat we had a few months back. I was amazed at the variety of responses, but everyone except for me wasn't involved in dog training or rehab - I know many people here are, so what would you do.
Keep on standing there until he's right beside you... This goes for me, but if you have a "Walking Stick" with you you'd have some defence, I always have a stick a long stick with a lille handle carved at the top, And if he attacks... You'd have no other choice but to Attack him too. Also carrying a strong thick stick with you can come in handy, for e.g your chucks out free-ranging you come out to check on them,,,,then you see a FOX sneaking up on them, if you didn't have a stick with you your only hope is to shout and try to scare him away, BUT, with a long stick you can run down to the chucks and SHOUT AND WAVE YOUR STICK,,,and with luck he'll get scared off. So Thats what I'd Do...
shoot him, well before he gets that close to me. Any dog that approaches me in a hostile manner that doesn't back down from a raised voice is a threat. I always carry an asp or large stick with me, but only a gun if I'm in my own property.

If I'm not armed, look for a large stick or rock that can be used as a weapon. Back away, keeping an eye on the dog. Do not make direct eye contact, as that is a hostile move in the canine world. Once you are clear of the area, keep an eye out that the dog doesn't circle around you. Call AC or the sheriff's office immediately.
ETA: Unless you have a gun, don't try to confront the dog. Try to scare him away, but don't advance on him.

I made a separate message because I get an error message when I try to edit.

Anyone else having posting issues?
I think the posting errors are done - I got a message a little bit ago that they were doing maintenance. I think they're done.

Thanks, all, I hope others respond too.
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well considering this doesnt sound very thretening IMO i would probably attempt baby talking the dog if the dog did not respond to it or responded poorly (as in lunging,growling,attacking ect) i would firmly and assertivly fight the dog off and stand my ground
SHOOT him ?? !??
the described behavior does NOT suggest aggression. The tail is in a relaxed position ,there's no raised hackles , no stalking type of movement mentioned.
i doubt that dog is any threat.Sounds like he's just thinking about coming up to say "Hi" and give you a sniff . Either ignore him or speak softly ,calmly to him .Do NOT yell,scream, threaten or otherwise act aggressive towards him .
if he were walking stiff legged,with his tail raised up( obviously this doesn't include breeds with a naturally raised tail like the curly tailed breeds) ,ears pointed forward ,raised hackles ,bared teeth and a hard stare then you have a problem .
I have worked with dogs for over 40 years and in my opinion this is NOT a dog you need to be worrying about it attacking you.
Can you pinpoint specifically what about my description, said 'hostile manner' to you?

making direct eye contact is actually a dominant response in a dog.

I do see that I mis-read part of the post. thought it said "hackles were up" In that case, I would still yell at the dog, but if it continued to approach after that, I would defend myself. Esp in light of the fact that it matches the description of an aggressive dog. Since you said that the dog continues to advance after being told to "git" that is also a sign of it not being afraid.
SHOOT him ?? !??
the described behavior does NOT suggest aggression. The tail is in a relaxed position ,there's no raised hackles , no stalking type of movement mentioned.
i doubt that dog is any threat.Sounds like he's just thinking about coming up to say "Hi" and give you a sniff . Either ignore him or speak softly ,calmly to him .Do NOT yell,scream, threaten or otherwise act aggressive towards him .
if he were walking stiff legged,with his tail raised up( obviously this doesn't include breeds with a naturally raised tail like the curly tailed breeds) ,ears pointed forward ,raised hackles ,bared teeth and a hard stare then you have a problem .
I have worked with dogs for over 40 years and in my opinion this is NOT a dog you need to be worrying about it attacking you.

I just posted that I misread the OP. I thought she said hackles were up. Still direct eye contact from a dog that matches description of a human aggressive dog is not something I would mess with. I would try to scare the dog off if I had to get past it or if there were livestock in the field. Not a big fan of stray dogs hanging around my property.

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