Dog issues need perspective

We are calling the trainer too. She had said she would work with us on the money issue. Hopefully a two prong approach will do the trick.

My dog is not aggressive toward anything but other dogs. She killed a chicken once when we first got them but learned quickly not to. She caught a run away for me the other day and brought it back to me - feathers a bit ruffled and dignity gone but she wasn't hurt in the slightest.

She tolerates amazing amounts of aggravation from children.

We think she might be part pit bull and possibly part greyhound. She can run 25 miles an hour for a good quarter mile! She and I dearly miss her being able to run beside the car when I drive down the driveway....
When my neighbours got their dog they trained him to stay in their yard by placing little flags around the perimeter and putting what I assumed was a shock collar on him. They trained him not to go past the flags by shocking him with a remote control . It worked most of the time but wasn't foolproof. I think they would need frequent tuneups but it is something that your neighbour could do and the flags could cover a large area cheaply. You gradually remove the flags as they become more reliable. Just another alternative... good luck.
You need to get past the financial aspect of this and your thing with the trainer.. She can't help you when the neighbor dogs come over and gang up on your dog.
YOU need to do something about the other dogs.. YOU will be faced with vet bills, or having to put your dog down...
ANY dog, no matter the breed will get hurt if attacked by two other dogs who are the aggressors.
You need to talk to your neighbors, and get a pellet gun, or a air horn. SOMETHING to scare the dogs back to their side.
PLS before we read about vet visits or loss of a dog.
their dogs need to stay on their property. end. of. story. a talk with the neighbors and if this doesn't work animal control.

if you dog is so protective and loves your children what do you think will happen if these dogs show up and get near the kids? massive dog fight your kids could get into the middle of. I'm all for fencing, electric or hard. but you will be held liable in PA if your dog injures another dog in pa, even if its in defense of you, your children or your property. that sucks rocks but thats the way the current pa dog laws are.

if fencing on your part, talking to the neighbors, and even animal control doesn't work I would honestly not hesitate to SSS. if its somebody else's dog or my child or dogs safety, well thats just the way it is.
I have a hard time with the "my dog stays on my property" part. A dogs range is between a half mile an 2 miles from its home. 10 acres is not enough land to think its ok to not fence your dog especially when you stated it is dog aggressive. Same goes for the neighbor. I don't think hes going to fence his in though with you letting yours run free. Without a fence around your dog your not going to sell him on the idea that fencing his is the right thing to do.
I agree. I would save up for wireless invisible fencing~much easier and much more effective shock than wired~and place it on your dog. At full range it gives your dog an acre on which to roam and protect your yard/flock.

Petsafe wireless fencing is the best....and you get just what you pay for when it comes to electric containment for dogs, believe me. I'm all for cheaper and have tried all the cheap brands....I have been using my Petsafe for 5 years now with complete and total satisfaction. The others are like flushing money down the toilet.

A Petsafe wireless system is $270-$300. It lasts a long time and pays for itself over and over with the peace of mind.

Then, I would inform your neighbor of what you have done and advise they do the same. If they then do not contain their dogs, you have a leg upon which to stand when you protest this.

Save money spent on a trainer~spend it on the fencing...your dog is merely aggressive to other dogs in his territory~which is absolutely a good thing, in my book. If he were aggressive towards humans, then that is an entirely different story.

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