Dog-proof fencing

Wow, I didn’t think chicken wire would be strong enough to keep my boys out! Has you dog tried to bust through it? My guys are very people sweet and do a good job keeping squirrels and bunnies away, I just don’t want them to think my chickens are prey, which I’m sure they will.

Here is the fencing I was looking at. Opinions?
View attachment 3050433
But the woven wire is $150 cheaper.
This is fine. If it's put up properly. It seems rather expensive for Stock Net which is what it is basically.
The thing about Stock Net is it is meant to be hung. It is not a rest on the floor and staple to posts type of fence if you want t to be properly effective.
Here is a picture of a hung Stock Net fence with braced straining posts.
Put up properly it will stop a charging Ram.
P3240098 (Large).JPG

You need to hang the fence on Line Wires. It's the Line Wires that provide the strength to the fence. You should have 3 line wires, top mid and bottom. The fence is then attatched to the Line Wires with Tie Wire every six to eight inches on all three Line Wires.
This is fine. If it's put up properly. It seems rather expensive for Stock Net which is what it is basically.
The thing about Stock Net is it is meant to be hung. It is not a rest on the floor and staple to posts type of fence if you want t to be properly effective.
Here is a picture of a hung Stock Net fence with braced straining posts.
Put up properly it will stop a charging Ram.
View attachment 3050446

You need to hang the fence on Line Wires. It's the Line Wires that provide the strength to the fence. You should have 3 line wires, top mid and bottom. The fence is then attatched to the Line Wires with Tie Wire every six to eight inches on all three Line Wires.
This plus rabbit fencing at the bottom may do the trick. Unless rabbits are not a concern in your area. In which case I envy you!
Would I be able to do an apron with this? Would it even be necessary? Is this much different than welded wire? Thanks, Shad this is most helpful.
Yes you can fix an apron to this and dig it in if you wish. It depends on what you are trying to keep out. Chicken wire dug in and fixed a couple of feet high on the stock net will discourage most small predators. Hardware cloth would last longer and provide better security assuming half inch squares.

Most mesh type fencing comes in different patterns and different wire guages. 12 to 16 guage keeps all but the most determined out.

The principle behind stock net is a bit different to welded wire. It's made to keep in/out larger creatures and works on a different principle to hardware cloth in most applications. Stock net will stretch and the line wires will spread the force of any impact along the line wires to the straining posts. Hardware cloth relies more on hole size and guage. The problem with hardware cloth is under major impact the welds break.
A couple strands of electric fence on the outside of chicken wire will give you more protection than welded wire alone.Just a thought.Whatever you use will have to protect them from neighbors dogs when they're in the garden.I wouldn't trust anything less than welded wire with an apron,

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