Dog wets the bed


Mar 24, 2020
New Jersey
Our dog is 12-13 years old. He’s a toy poodle. He wets the bed pretty often. This has been going on for a while. The thing is it doesn’t smell like Urin and he licks a lot but idk how he could lick that much for it to go through the layers of blankets. The picture, the spot is bigger than it looks.


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That has been my experience with old male dogs. They lose bladder control at night and leak. Get a box of pee pads and cover his bed at night. Just part of life.
I agree with this. I think that a vet visit can't hurt either. We had the same thing happen with our older boy dog-who was put down a week before he turned 17 due to cancer. We also had an older female dog, again put down due to cancer at 16, that would make it to the door and then have an accident on the carpet before we could open it. Kinda like older humans, accidents start and happen.
I agree with this. I think that a vet visit can't hurt either. We had the same thing happen with our older boy dog-who was put down a week before he turned 17 due to cancer. We also had an older female dog, again put down due to cancer at 16, that would make it to the door and then have an accident on the carpet before we could open it. Kinda like older humans, accidents start and happen.
But when he has to go out he tells us and barks and or goes and waits by the door which we always put him out. When he has these accidents he doesn’t even get up sometimes he just lays there or he doesn’t tell us he needs to go out. It doesn’t smell like Urin so idk. And other than that he’s eating and drinking just fine. We’re still going to make an appointment with the vet. We’ve had pee pads and still do but he always pees other than the pee pads. But the only time he does this is in bed. We walk in and there’s a wet spot and we don’t know what happened most the time. We’ve had diapers which he always took off.
No, we haven’t gotten him checked but I will set something up.
I'm certain the vet will also check for a UTI. Our one dog - diagnosed diabetes - frequently scratches at teh dor to be let out, but sometimes dribbles or leaks with no seeming awareness he is doing so. Our other dog, two UTIs past 12 months, would leave a huge puddle, no warning at all, then behave as if nothing happened. Both, fwiw, are small breeds around 14 years of age.

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