Doghouse Conversion Coop In The Works (DONE)

Mmmm... coffee.... however, that will only make me want to sit at the computer longer, and I'll never get to my garden tending and wiring the coop like I should.

Which reminds me, we're out of staples again! LOL
Finally done... sorry if the pictures are a bit dark, it was late!





As you can see the girls' and their boyfriend are very happy (though I don't think Mr. Roo will be staying with us long). What do you think of the covered raised bed? Should allow them constant access to grass and fresh green tops. I planted the MyPetChicken Chicken Salad Seed Mix in it. Has some perennials and self seeding types in it so not much maintaince for the bed for me to keep up with.
Wow I got some great ideas from this! I recently purchased a couple of old wooden doghouses and couldn't figure out how to make a good easy but strong run for them...and then I found your thread! Thanks!
Thanks! It took me thinking with hubby on and off for like 6 months to decide even what to do with the doghouse at all! Then I got the chicks and was in a rush to finally stick with a plan!
My fingers are sore, body exhausted, but I used the basics of your design and completed my run today!!! My doghouse does not have an angled roof like yours, so I didn't angle the top of the run, and mine had some minor flaws unlike yours, but it works and looks great! Thanks so much for your ingenuity!!!
Way to go guys! It's like going green, recycling and all. And I bet our chickens are thrilled with all the space!!!

Big Daddy's Girl, you're going to have to share some pics.
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