Dogs are the worst predator, I swear Amazing update!

I was just thinking about new chicken people thinking about getting a rooster to protect their flock. They seem to think roosters will drive off a predator or defend the chickens and live to do it again.

Many of us try to explain that roosters will attempt to protect their hens, but they're just fragile chickens, too, and no match for a one hundred pound dog or a bear or a lion. I read one thread here where a rooster had plucked an attacking hawk out of the air, saving the flock and himself. But most of the time it ends as my story did with the roosters sacrificing themselves for the flock.

Thanks again to all you who have responded. It really means a lot to me.
They CAN thwart a predator, but in reality, they are a souped up security alarm and give the hens a chance to run. Sigh.

Huggies squeezies

Can you report them to the local animal agent so the dogs have strike one against them as well as roaming predators/ dog at large as well as the owners failure to control the animals? Making note that the owners were cooperative, took responsibility, and are making restitution?
We have no "animal control" here. The HOA here has warned these people for ten years, but it hasn't helped the matter. The dogs will, however, be going to Denver, the big city, to live with their son. This isn't because of my chickens being attacked. This plan had already been set. It's just too late to help my roosters, but may spare my flock in the future. Although, these aren't the only dogs allowed to run amok. I first called another neighbor whose dogs had been up here numerous times, but he finally has taken steps to confine them via shock collars.

If these people hadn't agreed readily to restitution, my only recourse would be to involve my local game warden. He would have dealt with the people. This here is the wild west, in case you guys aren't familiar with Colorado. Ultimately, dog owners are aware that roaming dogs here will be shot by livestock owners protecting their stock. If these dogs come back before they move to Denver, they will be shot. With 12 gauge heavy field loads, not the rubber rounds I use on bobcats and bears. Unfortunately, then everyone loses and grieves.

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