Dogs on my property

If memory serves, the two biggest predators of chickens are coons and domestic dogs. Those two account for almost as many losses as everything else put together. Coons at night, dogs mostly during the day.

You deal with coons by providing safe and secure housing. When they go to roost at night, if nothing can get in, they will all still be alive come morning. Going on 6 years now with that concept and have never lost a bird inside the chicken house to a predator.

Dogs tend to do their damage during the day when birds are are out and about. The single best way to shut that down is with an electric fence designed to keep birds in and predators (including dogs) out. That electric fence is the goats blood above the door to signal death to pass you by. Once a dog gets a dose of a super hot electric fence, they won't be back. No shooting, shoveling or shouting necessary. What you are left with is live chickens and quiet, peaceful existence with neighbors and their dogs.
So did you speak with them @Silkies and succulents ?
I did the first time their dog was on our property, and its “owners?” told me it was their sisters dog. And the scond time I didn’t get to talk to them because I had to zoom. But I will talk to them if it comes back. Hopefuly he won’t. Honestly, I don’t even know if they live in our town because we have a few nice trails near our house, and auite afew people that live in the next town over like to walk them too.
If memory serves, the two biggest predators of chickens are coons and domestic dogs. Those two account for almost as many losses as everything else put together. Coons at night, dogs mostly during the day.

You deal with coons by providing safe and secure housing. When they go to roost at night, if nothing can get in, they will all still be alive come morning. Going on 6 years now with that concept and have never lost a bird inside the chicken house to a predator.

Dogs tend to do their damage during the day when birds are are out and about. The single best way to shut that down is with an electric fence designed to keep birds in and predators (including dogs) out. That electric fence is the goats blood above the door to signal death to pass you by. Once a dog gets a dose of a super hot electric fence, they won't be back. No shooting, shoveling or shouting necessary. What you are left with is live chickens and quiet, peaceful existence with neighbors and their dogs.
We don’t really have a problem with raccons, but people leting their dogs run free and not having a care in the world is pretty common around here. Coyotes, anad Bears come out sometimes too. I think ( I hope) my chickens might be just smart enough to find some shelter if a predetor comes out. Then again they also think leaves are scary, and a barking dog sho would gladly eat them isn’t.

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