Doing a Little Science on Food Particle Preferences


Crossing the Road
15 Years
Sep 19, 2009
Holts Summit, Missouri
I have student that will be exploring food particle preference for items as large or larger that used in commercial pelleted feeds for chickens. Her first objective is getting the birds to cooperate without being stressed out. The birds have been named Bob, Tom, and Cosmo after radio personalities. The birds must be trained to stand on balance for weight determination prior to each testing. Student has only touched a chicken in class previously. This will be fun.

Second objective is to get bird to eat food particles ideally provided in excess and in same field of view. The weights of items before and after feeding bout will be determined.

The third objective is to analyze the data to get a handle on how may more than three birds will be needed for more precise science.
We were able to determine individual bird weights and calculated feeding allotments. We are assuming the feeding rate 4.5% is just a little more than needed for maintenance yet not enough for them to have feed left in feeder overnight. This feeding rate is likely less than what most chickens with free-choice access to feed will consume, but not so low as to cause weight loss.

Bob 1,737 g live weight and 67 g feed
Tom 1494 g live weight and 78 g feed
Cosmo 1559 g live weight and 70 g feed
Birds are acclimating very well to handling, even Cosmo (Lord Butthole). After getting reward and off scale he is dead det on getting down onto floor and is looking for something under cabinet.

Feeding rate for 4.5% is sufficient for the birds in what is very close to thermally neutral 24 / 7 with no wind chill. Current weights are:

Bob 1,801 g which is up 64 g from 1,737 g
Tom 1,470 g which is down 24 g from 1,494 g
Cosmo 1,617 g which is up 58 g from 1,559 g

Feed allotments will not be changed this week.
First round of trials complete. Data not yet analysed, but hungry roosters do show signs for a preference when they are very hungry. Next round (round 2) will have rooster fed same amount (a restricted ration) but before they given the choices. This means they will have some degree of satiation based on crop fill, although they will likely have ability to consume more additional food when compared to those with free-choice access (round 3). Student is on Christmas break and has to work more at vet office so I will do rounds 2 and 3 myself. Care will be taken by me not to kiss roosters on the lips.

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