Domestic ducks (I think) found in lake

:mad: Irresponsible people make me so mad!

Anyway, sounds like you really care about these ducks OP. Glad you are wiling to try to help. :thumbsup Right now they are all probably getting along well but come Spring the hormones are going to hit. If the KC are left on the lake as is, the drakes are going to cause a ton a problems. Wild birds pair off but males from domesticated breeds are randy. They'll not only go after the KC hen but all the Mallard hens as well. Multiple males trying to breed one female can drown her. Plus without the ability to fly or a safe enclosure, they'll be easy pickins for predators. So I hope you can find someone to take them off the lake.
Hi everyone!

So i have some feelers out to see if I can find a forever home for them. In the meantime, I’m still taking care of them and keeping an eye on them.

This has got me thinking though, what is the best way to catch them (without completely freaking them out)? I assume it will make things easier if I continue to be super friendly? Two out of five will come right up to me to eat, but the other three stay a few feet away. Thoughts?
Hello! First time poster here and looking for some advice from the experts.

I live in suburban Massachusetts on a lake. We have a family of friendly Mallard ducks that hang out here. I'm guilty of feeding them (proper duck food, but still not the best idea... I know). About two weeks ago five new ducks joined the family. From my best google searching skills, I've identified them as Khaki Campbell domestic ducks. I've attached a picture.

My question is, what the heck do I do about these guys? Anything? I'm worried if they are domestic, then someone dumped them and they may have winter trouble when the Mallards leave. They are definitely familiar with people and we would offer food (and potentially shelter) while they are here, but I'm not sure if it's better to call the humane society to catch them and give them a proper home. Any advice? Do they look domesticated to you?
At least one looks like a female. Definitely khakis. How mean someone should dump them.
Just an update! Started making a few calls to animal control to see if they were reported as missing and can reunite with owners. They are posting some pictures so hopefully something comes out of that. But as of now they are happily napping with the other Mallards. I'll keep you guys posted!
God bless you for looking out for these precious creatures. Please keep us updated.

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