Dominique Roo x White Plymouth Rock Hen?

I can weigh him today. I'll use my dairy scale. He is a nice bird. Did really well over winter free ranging with hardly any food from us.I'll weigh him today and then later when he is on the clover and bugs. I just started giving them goats milk so that should put some weight on them too lol.
Freeranging in middle tennessee with no feeding from us, he is at 6 pounds today. He's heavier than that when there is more browse. I don't really feed the chickens a whole lot of anything extra since they are freeranging. No idea what he weighs in top condition. I'll reweigh later in the year.

I'm trying to make chickens that do well on no feeding from us in our area, keep weight on, are pretty (in my mind), with feathers i can use for crafting and making lures--etc. :-D

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