Dominique Thread!

And, put an Ameraucana roo (as long as he's not white) over your doms, and you'll get some lovely little black sex link girls who will lay pretty green eggs!
Cool, Sex-Link Easter Eggers!
That's what we call chicken math!
My advice, make sure to keep the Doms! They and APA Ameraucanas and some EEs are some of the sweetest hens you can ever have besides some of the bantam breeds. All chickens are lovely and I love just about every breed on the planet but after having several breeds to try Doms and Amers are the most human and flock friendly that we've experienced besides being decent to prolific egg layers.
Wow, we think alike! I am also expecting an EE & Ameraucana to hatch :).
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! I ordered my baby from Meyer, according to them she hatched just fine today & should be here tomorrow. So excited! Has anyone here had any experiences with Dominiques from Meyer?
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Are they sending you ONLY one chick? If not, what else??? I love the nitty gritty about what flock choices other folks are making.

Thanks Trident for the comb explanation. I can't wait to see what next year's mixes product. Should be a lot of fun. I have all of the genetics present in my flock to give me years of play before I have to import new genes.
Are they sending you ONLY one chick? If not, what else??? I love the nitty gritty about what flock choices other folks are making.

Thanks Trident for the comb explanation. I can't wait to see what next year's mixes product. Should be a lot of fun. I have all of the genetics present in my flock to give me years of play before I have to import new genes.
LOL, I can't decide on which breed I want because I am new to chickens & have read so many lovely things about so many lovely chickens! With this order, along with my Dominique, I will be receiving a Blue Amauracana, an Easter Egger, a Black Orpington, a Buff Orpington, a Golden Buff (Red Star), a Black Australorp, and a Black Jersey Giant. It doesn't look like they will be here today, though :(. My Post office says they already received their Priority shipments for the day & my chicks weren't in them. USPS tracking is terribly lacking; it just says a shipping label was created yesterday morning at 7:49 am. Meyer assures me they sent them, USPS is just not good at updating their tracking site. So my poor babies will be spending 2 days in USPS' rough care
. I can't find the breeds I want locally, so I just have to deal with the not-so-fun sides of shipping chicks. I also have 8 week old pullets: 3 Polish, a Columbian Wyandotte, and a White Cochin. Our 4 week olds are a Lavender Orpington, a Blue Orpington, and a Buff Brahma. LOL Chicken math has really done me wrong!!! I need help! I'm addicted, and the only reason I'm stopping is I don't want aggression issues due to overcrowding! I do have a coop large enough to comfortably house 17 large hens, and I have 2 runs with 100 square feet each, one on each side of the coop. I'm not going to be able to keep any that turn out to be roos due to our city ordinance. I will also rehome any trouble makers or jerks - I oversized my runs & gave them 2 to choose from to help avoid bullying, but if any insist on being jerks on a problem level, I have 2 homes who will take them already lined up. I also let them free range in my backyard a few hours a day on my working days & many hours on the weekends. I have worries about the Orpingtons & Polish as they tend to be bottom of the pecking order girls, but they are so far my 2 favorite breeds so they are going to be the determining factor on which others get to stay with us. My priorities with my flock choices are: docile, sweet birds who are affectionate to humans & easy to handle; decent layers of a colorful egg basket; able to coexist peacefully; large-bodied enough that our pomeranian will be too intimidated to try to mess with them, and cold hardy.

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