Dominique Thread!

Sylvester, are those your new hatchery chicks? They grow so fast. Did you order straight run?

The photos are all of just a single Dom chick a couple years ago. She was from a feed store that orders mostly from Privett Hatchery -- she was an active pistol! She slept in our bird cage in our bedroom and at night if you softly said her name in the dark, she would cheap back softly. Sort of reminded me of the way a chick answers back to a momma hen. We gave her a soft cloth to sleep with and a mirror to see and sleep with the "other" chick. We wanted two Dom chicks but the feed store only had one left in September. The feed store always has nice lively Privett chicks but we lost this little sweetie to a sudden out-of-the-blue seizure which happened in seconds. It happens with chicks - losing them. I only order juvenile-age pullets now from private breeders. I really don't have the space or energy to keep after chicks any more as sweet as they are.
The photos are all of just a single Dom chick a couple years ago.  She was from a feed store that orders mostly from Privett Hatchery -- she was an active pistol!  She slept in our bird cage in our bedroom and at night if you softly said her name in the dark, she would cheap back softly.  Sort of reminded me of the way a chick answers back to a momma hen.  We gave her a soft cloth to sleep with and a mirror to see and sleep with the "other" chick.  We wanted two Dom chicks but the feed store only had one left in September.  The feed store always has nice lively Privett chicks but we lost this little sweetie to a sudden out-of-the-blue seizure which happened in seconds.  It happens with chicks - losing them.  I only order juvenile-age pullets now from private breeders.  I really don't have the space or energy to keep after chicks any more as sweet as they are.

Awah this post cracks me up! Glad you got to enjoy such a sweet one.
Hi! How young can you tell gender on these? First Dominique ever, 4 weeks old.
Hi! How young can you tell gender on these? First Dominique ever, 4 weeks old.

It looks girl - the comb will stay a light pink and before point of lay the comb and/or wattles on females will begin to redden a lot. With boys the comb and wattles comes in at about 2 months deeper rose. With Doms the boys feather lighter and girls darker. Yours looks girl although she has a white collar around her neck I've not seen before -- or maybe it's just the lighting in the photo. She is so cute. How's her personality?
It looks girl - the comb will stay a light pink and before point of lay the comb and/or wattles on females will begin to redden a lot. With boys the comb and wattles comes in at about 2 months deeper rose. With Doms the boys feather lighter and girls darker. Yours looks girl although she has a white collar around her neck I've not seen before -- or maybe it's just the lighting in the photo. She is so cute. How's her personality?

She hasn't finished feathering out 100% yet, assuming the white spot will go away when her head-feathers fill in. Seems nice enough, but doesn't like to be picked up yet (will work on it with treats)
She hasn't finished feathering out 100% yet, assuming the white spot will go away when her head-feathers fill in. Seems nice enough, but doesn't like to be picked up yet (will work on it with treats)

When we had a Dom we got her as a lone chick - we wanted two - but only one was available. She was a pistol for a chick, climbed all over us, sat on our shoulder, picked at our hair, explored our eyeglasses, slept in the palm of our hands or on our arm, slept on the computer keyboard (it was warm), took her first dust bath in a hair-net left on the table, and generally was a very very active chick. She hated to be alone in her kennel and screamed bloody murder if we walked out of her room so we had to let her follow us around the house - flock bird mentality I guess. Sadly we lost her to a sudden seizure out of the blue so we never got to realize her adult personality but Dom show breeders assured me the same temperament is in the adults - busy, outgoing, people-friendly, inquisitive, forward, unafraid. I long for another Dom but have met my yard limit for the time being. Our Breda's temperament is akin to a Dom and if we replenish any lost hens it will be with good-tempered Bredas and Doms. My DH loves his Silkies so we have to have LF that are good flockmates with Silkies. Our Blue Wheaten Ameraucana is the sweetest most timid breed we've had and a good flockmate but she is extraordinarily noisy during her egg cycles and embarrasses us with the neighbors

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