Dominique Thread!

Wanted some Dominickers for a while now, so I finally picked up some a few weeks back. They are more feathered out and getting bigger, but this is what I have pictures of:



It's great to see so many new folks on this thread!

This is a must read and will answer a lot of your questions.

to answer your question about which age to get them, I'd go with the older 2 year rooster and the hens at 1 year. You will definitely know what you are getting as far as type goes. That's what I would do...

Best of luck! I know you are excited!!!

Thank you so much for the information, it really helped! Reading that link about the standard helped me evaluate the roos, and I think I picked out the best, and he was the 2 year old. The hen is 2 as well, but she met the standard better as well, and so far has been laying an egg a day. Woo!
Thank you again!

PS. Does anyone know of someone in Kansas or Missouri with some additional Dominiques they'd be willing to part with? I don't mind raising chicks
I definitely hooked on this breed, and would like to build my flock.
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backyardmenagerie, How about giving a Fred Farthing a try. I know he was selling trios last year and he might be close enough to you. PM me for his info. John
I'd love to hatch some old-fashioned, non-Barred-Rock-looking, grey on grey barred Dominiques - with the long, beautiful tail - for an historical fair exhibit I am putting together. The time period is to be 1710 - 1790. Dominiques of hatchery origin are probably out, because of the BR issue. I already have Crèvecoeurs, so I am well prepared for a lively, rustic breed with a love of free ranging... Please drop me a note if you can help or can point me to a breeder who sells hatching eggs,

Thanks so much - exop
Understanding that the fair is set in the 1710 - 1790 period, and that the Dominiques themselves need not be from 1790... as long as they are relatively true to breed. I just read some Mark Fields and it has left me with a feeling of optimism that that is not asking too much.

Best - exop
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That is point I am making. Being true to breed of today is not being true to breed as it existed during the 1710-1790 time frame. Other breeds have been introduced into the dominique and selection standards have drifted / changed over time. Another key issue has been multiple intervals where the dominique has been reduced to very low numbers. Each time this occurred almost certainly some of the traits that made the dominique unique were lost.
exop, I'm not sure of anyone with hatching eggs for sale, but there are several good breeders that ship chicks. Have you joined the Dominique club? The membership fee is only $10 and you get a breeder and member directory - you might find someone close to you so you could just pick up hatching eggs or even started birds. The roosters don't have that nice long tail until they're usually over a year old - they'll get it as a cockerel but then lose it just as fast. As far as folks on this message board, check with Chris (I think it's Chris09?) he has a photo of a pullet many pages back on this thread that is really nice type, would be worth seeing if he'll ship eggs.
i just bought 2 dozen off of eBay last week... one dozen is from Lamike on BYC he sells as Lamike2 on eBay... haven't got his eggs yet but got the others in from eugene3954 nice eggs and nice packing will see how they hatch...
Here is my Dominique Roo "Big Roo". I really love him, he is so handsome, and SO good to his girls, other than being a bit rough on them....
By far my favorite breed so far.





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