Dominique Thread!

Mine are about 7 weeks now, and seem to be feathering at different rates also. I have one roo that seems to surpass all the others, with a couple of close seconds. The pullets are all about the same rate. I have two( a roo and a pullet) that are still real skittish but the others will come eat out of my hand after some initial 'he's here to kill us!' Running around when I first go out.
Mine are about 7 weeks now, and seem to be feathering at different rates also. I have one roo that seems to surpass all the others, with a couple of close seconds. The pullets are all about the same rate. I have two( a roo and a pullet) that are still real skittish but the others will come eat out of my hand after some initial 'he's here to kill us!' Running around when I first go out.

I ordered girls, so I hope I have a majority of them. But three of mine are feathering faster than the rest. I hope I don't have 3 roosters! One would be okay. :) Time will tell.
Mine are about 7 weeks now, and seem to be feathering at different rates also. I have one roo that seems to surpass all the others, with a couple of close seconds. The pullets are all about the same rate. I have two( a roo and a pullet) that are still real skittish but the others will come eat out of my hand after some initial 'he's here to kill us!' Running around when I first go out.

I ordered girls, so I hope I have a majority of them. But three of mine are feathering faster than the rest. I hope I don't have 3 roosters! One would be okay. :) Time will tell.
I think if you're taking your chicks out to a part of your yard where other birds have not been, it would be safer in regard to picking up the cocci.

Depending on how old your chicks are and how many there are, if they are just babies (6 weeks or so?) I'd start with about a teaspoon or so per bird. Mix it into their food. Some of them really like the yogurt from the start and others look at it and start shaking their heads
like they're trying to get if off their beaks, they seem to know its wet and will stick to their beaks! As they get used to it and older, you can increase the amount up to say a tablespoon per adult bird. My birds would eat much more than that if I let them and they don't care if it gets on their beaks. In fact, the sling it all over the place and get it on their faces and the faces of their pen mates. It all gets cleaned up in short order. I can't afford to feed them a lot of it or I would. I start them on it while in the brooder within the first week of their little lives.

I use Mountain High yogurt. It has 5 different strains of bacteria in it so yes, its a really good one and my birds absolutely love it! I'm not saying yogurt is a cure for cocci (I haven't had any cocci in my flock at all but I guarantee you, if I did, I would TRY to cure it with the yogurt), but definitely a preventive and its all natural!
Yogurt is not at all difficult to make. All you do is add a tablespoon of cultured yogurt to milk, keep it warm for 24 hours. It's been quite a while since I've made it, so I don't know the specifics, you can google if you want more info re: temps etc.
Mine are a bit skiddish right now, but I hope it will get better. Every time I put my hand in the brooder to change water and feed, they run away. But they are only 3 weeks old. We will see how it goes.
How old are yours? And are they growing at different rates? Some of mine are getting feathers earlier than the others.
At this point, my Doms are not as friendly as the RIR, BSL that I hatched, but they are definately the most adventurous, especially when it comes to trying new snacks.
At this point, my Doms are not as friendly as the RIR, BSL that I hatched, but they are definately the most adventurous, especially when it comes to trying new snacks. 

I have BO, GLW, Welsummers, and Dominiques. They are almost 4 weeks. They still do the initial startle and run each time I open the brooder, but after that one of the Doms always comes to see me. Any of the Doms will let me pick them up anytime the others need to be cornered and calmed down. The Doms are adventurous like you said but very calm when held. Enjoying all of them.

I ordered girls, so I hope I have a majority of them. But three of mine are feathering faster than the rest. I hope I don't have 3 roosters! One would be okay.
Time will tell.
We bought sexed pullets too and one of ours has turned out to be a rooster. The long "floaty" tail feathers were the first thing I noticed and now his comb is starting to get red. Out of the 8 sexed pullets we bought 2 were roosters.
We bought sexed pullets too and one of ours has turned out to be a rooster. The long "floaty" tail feathers were the first thing I noticed and now his comb is starting to get red. Out of the 8 sexed pullets we bought 2 were roosters. 
Interesting. I'm still hoping the three (out of 6) I have with longer tail feathers are not all roos. If so, I'll have one boy for every girl! Yikes! I'll update everyone if the are indeed boys when they get a bit older. :)

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