Donald is developing an attitude....

Yes i know that look well!! I have to say that ducks are the most snobish bird IVe owned

If my backyard was a high school. The ducks would be the cheeleaders. The chickens teacher pet nerds. The rabbits the quiet shy kids! And the cockatiel the Uhm??? Oh foreign exchange student
So I flipped hedwig on his back- kept him there til he stopped moving. Set him down and he immediately bit my toes. Flipped him again. Same thing. Once more same thing. I ended up just squirting him with the hose to keep him away so I could finish feeding/watering and put my pajamas on. (long day)

Its the same result I got from smooshing him- why won't this duck learn???
Ill try again tomorrow but any other ideas out there??
Sounds like you have a dominant duck on your hands. not sure what else you can do except maybe time out. locked up where he can see everyone else having fun but he can't. sometimes it works on kids, don't know if it would work on a duck. but I have one question, why were you putting your PJ's on outside? or did you have the hose in the house?

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