Donating surplus to food kitchens?

Our local food banks will not accept meat or eggs that have not been FDA inspected.

They will however accept home grown veggies.....that I grow in dirt amended with chicken poop. :hmm

Grrrr. Regulations.
I've seen a statistics that 1 of 9 households struggle with food insecurity. Yet it's estimated that 30-40% of edible food is discarded.

The way food is grown, distributed, stored in the US is so inefficient...
I don't understand why... when they will process wild boar/deer meat? Least the ones down here do, and I know there are butchers in PA that do as well. That's gotta be frustrating.

Crazy isn't it.

Here they will take roadkill deer and elk and recently a thinning of Canadian geese happened and that was donated to them as well.

Thinking there is a pretty big salmonella/disease/parasite risk there. :hmm
I don't understand why... when they will process wild boar/deer meat? Least the ones down here do, and I know there are butchers in PA that do as well. That's gotta be frustrating.
Police here will call the state food bank if they have to dispatch a deer or moose after a car accident. Happened to the Mrs a few years ago.
I remember my dad saying something like that years ago... that when we moved back to PA, he told me if I ever hit a deer or something call the state troopers and they'll send someone out to get it right then, process it and donate it.

That's why I get mad about the butchering of muscovys and carp - and any other animal that they determine to be a nuisance. They don't process the meat and donate it, they throw it away and let it rot.
You'll want to checkout this site you'll likely be processing under the 1000 bird exemption, there are specific labeling requirements but you can get the labels pre-printed from a number of different sources.
That's close to the "cottage law" here too. Indeed the regulations are necessary for sanitation and health issues, but like I told the "authorities" I'm not trying to cook/prepare the birds, I just want to donate the surplus and they can process them. But unless I can hire someone to get certified to process the birds, I won't purposely raise the limit here any more. As I cull the overage (I only need 4 or 5 per year) I will no longer raise as many as before.
That's close to the "cottage law" here too. Indeed the regulations are necessary for sanitation and health issues, but like I told the "authorities" I'm not trying to cook/prepare the birds, I just want to donate the surplus and they can process them. But unless I can hire someone to get certified to process the birds, I won't purposely raise the limit here any more. As I cull the overage (I only need 4 or 5 per year) I will no longer raise as many as before.
I do understand that there is risk, but properly stored and cooked the risk is minuscule. But I'll read the links and talk to more butchers to see if I can find a way. It's so easy to raise extra birds- imagine is every BYC member with extra cockerels could give them to a food bank.

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