Donny’s cut beak 😢


In the Brooder
May 7, 2024
Evening/morning all!

I’ve just brought Donny back inside after being in his outdoor run and he has a cut on his beak 😭

I assume he’s done this on the chicken wire (I will be changing this tomorrow)

Will he heal ok? Is there anything I should be doing to help?

Thanks in advance x


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Ducks bang their beaks all over the place whether in a run with bars that can inflict bumps or foraging more widely. Then, particularly with drakes, there are ducky squabbles that can lead to grazes. My flock are all boys and I have a particularly pugnacious pekin drake, Louie,: too pugnacious for his own good when his flock mates are muscovy that are twice his weight!!! I noticed earlier today that his bill is "covered in scars" all like the one on @Ash287's Donny's bill. Be assured @Ash287 that Donny's bill will heal on its own. You need not worry. Ofcourse, if he is like Louie, he will get into more scrapes over his long life and he will have more scars to show for it! A drake's badge of honor!
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Ducks bang the beaks all over tge place where in a run with bars tgat can inflict bumps or foraging more widely. Then, particularly with drakes, there are ducky squabbles that can lead to grazes. My flock are all boys and I have a particularly pugnacious pekin drake, Louie,: too pugnacious for his own good when his flock mates are muscovy that are twice his weight!!! I noticed earlier today that his bill is "covered in scars" all like the one on @Ash287's Donny's bill. Be assured @Ash287 that Donny's bill will heal on its own. You need not worry. Ofcourse, if he is like Louie, he will get into more scrapes over his long life and he will have more scars to show for it! A drake's badge of honor!
Thank you very much for your reply! I’ll keep a close eye on it and make sure it doesn’t get any worse.

Louie sounds like a right character 🤣

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