Don't EVER steal your little sister's toilet paper

That's understandable. Community property with responsibility. Good idea.

In my sternest father voice, "Do not steal the toilet paper from the other bathroom or you will suffer the consequences."
I have to agree, it could have been worse!!! I have 3 little ones (12,10 and almost 6) and I can't tell you how many times I have gone in, got settled, only to realize no tp!!! So, I will yell out to get me some, and I can't tell you how frustrating it is to find out your DD decided to wipe up her spills with the last of the tp!!! Leaving me stranded!!! Oh, how I hate paper towels!!!!!
Sounds like another Jeff Foxworthy moment, "If your little sister leaves you post it notes on the TP roller and calls you a TP thief..... You might be a Redneck!!!"

I think you should try to find her some of that disigner TP with her monogram on it as a peace offering! Martha Stewart might be able to help you....
I am sooooo disappointed in MissPrissy.

The title should not have been tp stealer. The little sister was VERY specific and out of respect for her and her righteous outrage at her sister, the title should have been "TP stealing DOODOO head"
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