Dont know if this is in the right section, but here goes?


10 Years
Jul 27, 2009
Eastern Shore, VA
I need to find a nice quality pair of boots to wear to do my chicken coop cleaning and other outdoor duties. I ordered a pair of the Hunter Original Tall Boots last week and was so excited as it took me a long time to find the 'perfect' pair for me. Well I got them yesterday and they are to tight, apparantly my calf is a little to muscular and they are snug and I wanted to get a pair to tuck my pants leg into so they won't get dirty and muddy since it has been raining and snowing so much this winter.

Does anyone have any suggestions on a good brand, that is tough and will hold up to abuse? My calf is approximately 16' and want to be able to tuck pants inside and to be warm as well.

thanks in advance
rubber boots are cheap and fit just about everyone...

I am partial to red wings myself as far as a work boot goes...I also liked my wolverines but they were lace ups (you can get them as pull ons) I did not like the pull on wolverines I had....
I've been wearing the same pair of rubber boots I got for $8 at wally world since I started with chickens two years ago and haven't even made a dent in the soles. Now I wear them whenever I have to go outside and it's muddy or rainy; whether I'm headed to the chicken coop or not.
I'm probably not a good one to ask though. I own four pairs of shoes. A pair of boots for motorcycle riding, a pair of sandals for summer (when I have to go into town, they frown on bare feet), a pair of sneakers and a pair of black flats for dress up.
If God wanted me to wear shoes, I woulda been born with them already on.
these look pretty nice as well. they look roomy and big enough for my calf and could wear a pair of very thick socks in winter and not socks in summer.

thanks so much
These are cute. Do you know if they can accomodate a muscular calf like mine. It is about 16' in diameter.

thanks so much

Yep they should fit you good, I have a 16 inch calf too and they fit me just great with or without socks. And the chickens like to look at them lol
These are cute. Do you know if they can accomodate a muscular calf like mine. It is about 16' in diameter.

thanks so much

Yep they should fit you good, I have a 16 inch calf too and they fit me just great with or without socks. And the chickens like to look at them lol

Oh that is great, I went on because the closest one we have is like 1 1/2 hours away (we are very rural). the colors didn't look as cute as the picture you posted.

do they sell these in the stores or just online? We have to go pick up some furniture and can stop there hopefully this weekend.


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