Don't sick and/or get accident if you don't have money

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The only way it was working for my father was with Secure Horizons and another supplemental plan. He was on dialysis for 8 years and had 22 surgeries before he died. They ran him through the hospitals like cattle.
I have actually spent time overseas and talked to real people about their healthcare system.... also a bunch of folks in Canada as well....

lets put is this way... They come to the U.S. for a reason.

good luck getting carpel tunnel surgery with that kind of system....not going to happen
Unwise to make assumptions Chickened, I am not from Canada but from England. I support a National Health System, paid for at source, by taxes, because it distresses me that many people, all over the world, have either little access to good health care, or, and in my opinion just as bad, the crippling burden of paying insurance companies for health care.

I would also like people to understand that National Insurance contributions, even for those with high incomes, are inexpensive in comparison to private insurance. Anyone earning more than £125 a week, contributes but at that wage probably only about £1 a week. When I earned about £700 a month, working part time, I paid just under £100 income tax and £37 a month National Insurance. I don't think anyone would consider that unreasonable.

What I got for my money is priceless. Free healthcare (at the point of service) no matter how long term the condition, or complicated the procedure. Chickan dippaaaaz is also wrong to assume that treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome is not readily available, surgery is commonplace and all over Europe too.

I have travelled in the US and I have seen some extreme poverty, every bit as bad as I have seen in parts of Eastern Europe and the old Soviet Block. There is no room for complacency here. If people adopt an attitude of 'why should I care?' then society risks creating a whole section of society who receive the poorest education, the worst housing and totally inadequate healthcare. They will be a burden on society from the cradle to the grave, because they have no choice in their lives. Eventually people resent their lack of life chances, and rise up against society, which they feel has rejected them. A huge, resentful, uneducated and unhealthy underclass, this is the true cost of private healthcare and insurance led healthcare.
Already happening here. That's why Obama was so vastly popular. He made people through the entire country believe that he could make it better. Either he didn't realize how strong the forces were against making things better or a worse alternative. More and more people keep joining that underclass. What's strange is that right up until they fall that final step they swear by the people that are causing that underclass to grow. The ones trying to take away education and lower wages and benefits for blue collar workers. It's all part of the American dream and people listening to those that have made it to the top. When they wind up in that underclass they realize that's exactly where those people they listen to want them to be.
Pretty off topic but I read this with a very strong english accent from mid evil times. Don't know why but I wanted to express that. He wasn't saying carpel tunnel surgery was not common but probably the 6 month waiting list for it. (6 month I made up, I do not know the exact amount but have heard other cases of around that. some longer some shorter)
I donno but a cheap payout, only £1 for poor, and having to wait six months versus here where even if you do pay the HUNDREDS a month you still have to come up with thousands more for the deductible and then MAYBE it'd be covered... maybe not... well of the two the less expensive, maybe a wait but care given sounds more reasonable to me. Particularly to the people in low income...

Why is it that the folks pushing this latest bill don't seem to understand that the reason many (including me) don't have insurance is that we cannot afford it. Last quote was roughly 20% of DH's take home... TWENTY PERCENT... and all that gets you is a card, no care. You want care then you have to shell out a lot more, which again we don't have money for that either. I don't get how they think fining me is somehow going to make it where I can afford those payments or premiums... it's just going to make it harder to afford!! Bass Ackwards.

Occam's Razor, anyone? Perhaps hitching the national star to a man who had been in the US Senate for all of 15 minutes before being elected to higher office didn't result in unicorns and posies after all? No, we couldn't have Hillary Clinton, we had to have Mr Hopey Changey.

Just a thought.
You are not from Canada, I will give you that one but you run that country pretty much rank and file.
There are differences socially and economically over here and some of your E.U. partners are not doing so well, Greece, Spain.

Poverty in the U.S. is for the most part a choice. The government sets the poverty level and some people choose to live that lifestyle which someone here said 18,500.00 for a family of 3 well, that is certainly not poverty as some have said they make it on that amount. If you want to see real poverty go to Central America. Just out of curiosity where did you vacation in America and see the poverty Chicago southside or Detroit both places are the epitome of the welfare state. (I do get your point and philosophy) and people here do care they just do not want the government to be the one that distibutes it. We have jobs here for the ones able to work if we didn't there would not be millions of mexicans coming here for them, our social programs have convinced and made it a reality that public assistance pays better and you do not have to work only know how to work the system.

We Americans do pull ourselves up by the bootstraps though and are capable of getting things done that others cannot (WWII?) it is just OUR way. People here would rather be a little poor than give away their liberties. I forget the fellows name that said a good healthy revolt keeps a government in check. In short your system will not work here under our form of government as you left out the part about being forced to buy government insurance our constitution forbids it. and some state constitutions. My banker is from South Wales and she paints a different picture of your healthcare system. A healthcare system ran by a ruling authority that sets the rules over their people will work as they have the power to enforce said rules on thier people, how could it not work? If I could punish someone for not buying my service I would have a great business whatever I was providing.
Obama is inexperienced, naive, a sissy, spent 20 years listening to a hate preacher and is now getting a real education the old fashioned way. KInda of sorta off topic but he is not the superhero folks voted for. People in Germany voted this way right before Hitler was so popular, they wanted a sort of superhero leader.
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