Don't think our chicks have had any water yet, will mum show them how?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 12, 2008
Chelsea (Vic), Australia
Our chicks hatched on the 5th October and are being looked after by there adopted mummy. I have provided in the pen fresh chick crumble and water. I have seem them all trying the food but haven't yet seen anyone have a drink.

Will the mum show them what to do?

Sorry if this seems a silly question but I don't want anyone to dehydrate. Should I perhaps mix the chick crumble with water?
Not to worry, mom knows what she is doing. Silly question though. You do have a chick waterer right? If not the little guys could fall in and drown. They really don't need anything until the 3rd day at the latest so they should be fine..
I agree...if you are worried though, you can always take one chick at a time and gently and quickly dip their beak in to see where the water is--I just do this for my own sanity!
Yeah sorry about the silly question. Although I did have to physically move the food towards mum for her to eat some as she is quite content in one spot keeping babies warm and doesn't seem to be moving far even to poo.

We do have a proper chook water container in there as I had heard that the babies can drown.

Thanks for putting up with people like me and there silly qestions.

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