Don't think she likes the nest boxes.


Crossing the Road
5 Years
May 24, 2019
Eastern Kentucky
My girls are close to back laying after taking the winter off. They have 2 nice nest boxes to choose from when they start back up. Then yesterday I payed attention to them when they were playing on the hill. I think Henrietta is going to make me work for her eggs. If she chooses that spot it will be tricky to get to them as i'd have a steep climb ahead of me. Darn hen.



Henrietta is a freeloader no more!!! 1st egg of the year for her, and the first one she's laid that I've actually found. Last fall she kept laying on the hill but today laid in the nest area i'd chosen for her. I also think momma hen is very close to laying and expect one from her in the next day or two. She has been very vocal today and has talked nonstop. She even joined Henrietta in the egg song for 15 minutes after the egg was laid.
And I was wrong, first egg was momma's. I heard them singing the egg song again and go out back and catch Henrietta coming off the nest singing her heart out. Inside is a very warm freshly laid brown egg. Both girls got their favorite treats, dried cranberries.

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