DON'T use Fabric Netting ! learn from my mistake !

I think I will be shrinking the run area to the 10x20 carport frame. I will use 1 or 2inch opening chicken wire on it. No more netting, I don't want to catch wild birds either. Saw some chickadee's that came in through the side 2x4 fencing but got confused when they couldn't go out the top :(, plus I don't want them eating the chicken Organic feed !
Or I may have enough 2x4 coated fencing to do most of it.
But my 14 x 40 is too big. At least they get to free range too
I think I will be shrinking the run area to the 10x20 carport frame. I will use 1 or 2inch opening chicken wire on it. No more netting, I don't want to catch wild birds either. Saw some chickadee's that came in through the side 2x4 fencing but got confused when they couldn't go out the top :(, plus I don't want them eating the chicken Organic feed !
Or I may have enough 2x4 coated fencing to do most of it.
But my 14 x 40 is too big. At least they get to free range too

Wow, 14x40 is big! Totally get trying to downsize :)

Are you thinking chicken wire for a roof or side fence?

The only reason I ask is we we have a lot of raccoons here. I was told raccoons can tear through chicken wire pretty easily. Even if they don't tear through it I've been told they can reach through 1" chicken wire and can easily kill a chicken foolish enough to be near the fence.

We decided to avoided chicken wire altogether. So far so good... but talk about a headache enclosing a 10x20 structure entirely in 1/4" hardware cloth, sheesh!:barnie
No 'coons around here, more worried about neighborhood shi**y kids :mad:
We do have predators but I am not too worried about them at the moment.

That is a headache hardware cloth on it all !

I still have to figure it out... still waiting for Spring :barnieand a good day to get out there again to measure and see what I have.

I got 2x4 inch opening coated 4 foot high fencing, so I Can use that for a good portion. Maybe for the roof and upper part. Then Wire cloth or chicken wire for the bottom section. I like to 'reuse' what I can, or what I can get at the recycle center down the street for free ;)
They don't get to free range unless I am out there watching.... they like to run up to the fence when the little kids come home from school. I think they think EVERY person has a treat for them :lol:. I don't want fingers pecked.

I :love LOVE @aart run setup and when I get to a permanent farm/home that is what I am looking to do !
I've got a nice recycling center near me, too, and what a gold mine that is :) Whatever it takes the keep the chickies safe and happy!

Sounds like quite the project! Good luck with the spring weather; ours has been (and continues to be) a challenge. Hope you have better luck! And here's to the dreams of a :lovepermanent home!

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