Don't Wait! Start Extra Today. 4th Month Day 3

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We just had a death in the family this afternoon.
A diabetic who did not care what he ate. Had a heart attack this morning. Was rushed to the hospital where he continued to have five more heart attacks and then died.

Just a few, like 3 or 4, years older than me.

Please pay attention to your health nutters.
I'm sorry to hear that Keeks
I find sweeteners in my coffee disgusting and I like sweet stuff. I drink one cup of coffee a day and it does not get any sweetener or milk/creamer.
I use a squirt of stevia liquid in my coffee and usually non-dairy creamer. But this week, i ran out of creamer, so we’ve been using heavy cream.
I made it through work today, but more bruises showing up now and I’ve developed a significant reaction to “no-see-um” bites :barnie I had dozens of welts come up after picking peppers from the garden this afternoon. So not seeing much extra so far this week. :th
We went to bed early last night, but mr muddy had to get up around 4:30 because Tater was having major separation anxiety from us being gone over the weekend. She was barking first so he let the other 2 out of the crates and then she started scratching at our bedroom door.
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