double batching


May 13, 2024
So, absolute newbie, done my research, have brinsea mini eco was shipped 12 eggs, 2 dud on arrival (weeping so dispatched) decided because they probable had a rough postage to set them vertical pointy end down in carboard egg cups and have been turning using a big book propping sides up. day 6 and only 6 are viable, which at this point is not bad
Thinking if i turn without opening incubator and atm am more dry incubating due to humidity levels, that i could add another batch, obvs the new batch would endure a fer days of higher humidity, but if i section off the new and older eggs with cardboard after hatching of first batch, i could quicky remove new eggs sanitize and put back in pretty quickly.
Has anyone successfully multi hatched? is this a bad idea?
I used to stagger hatch several years ago. I have a Brinsea Ovation 28 EX and a Brinsea Ovation 56 Eco. Once a week I would candle my eggs, toss any duds and add new eggs. On day 19 of each hatch, I would move the eggs that were going to hatch in a few days to the smaller incubator. So they wouldn’t get caught up in my turning mechanism. You really need two incubators to stagger hatch because the humidity needs to be much higher at the end to help the chicks not get shrink wrapped in their egg membrane when it dries out. It also isn’t great for less developed eggs to be in higher humidity for a long period. For a hatching incubator, you could go get something less expensive without a turner for the chicks to hatch in. The main reason we are told not to open the incubator too often is to keep the humidity in at the end.

Feel free to ask me any questions.

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