Solved Double posted thread.


Frugal Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 20, 2008
Formerly Texas, forever Texan
One of my recently posted threads seems to have double posted, one correctly and one without pictures. Is there a way to delete the wonky one? I read to report it, but I'm hoping it's not linked somehow because I don't want both deleted. And how do I avoid doing this again? I'm awful with computers, so I'm sure it was user error.
One of my recently posted threads seems to have double posted, one correctly and one without pictures. Is there a way to delete the wonky one? And how do I avoid doing this again? I'm awful with computers, so I'm sure it was user error.
You can click the "report" button at the bottom of any post in the thread. When you get a popup box, type an explanation, and that will go to a moderator, who is able to delete the thread. The explanation would be something like "accidental duplicate thread, please delete."

I don't know how to avoid doing it again.
One of my recently posted threads seems to have double posted, one correctly and one without pictures. Is there a way to delete the wonky one? I read to report it, but I'm hoping it's not linked somehow because I donwant both deleted. And how do I avoid doing this again? I'm awful with computers, so I'm sure it was user error.

I found it and took care of the duplicate.

Any time you need help, click on the "Report" link at the bottom of every post and a staff person can help you out.

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