Drake (anything but Muscovy) wanted in Southwest VA/Northeast TN.

Oh! They are so pretty!

We like them all. Lindsey is partial to the ones with the most black and the ones with speckles.

We would be happy to take your extra hens too if there is room on your trip.

Thanks Emmalynn and thanks Pampered for letting us meet at your place.
Well here are the two girls that are for sale as well

Green female: (she is the blackest one we have) **SOLD**

Orange female: **SOLD**
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HA HA HA HA HA NOOO! We will be traveling back with you to live! We did the muscovy Ducks started out with 2 not too bad, just dumped the dog bowls and all other things we had water in daily, then the one went missing we thougth something had happened to her, NOPE!! she hatched 24 babies and came out from under our porch. The babies thought the porch was home so you can imagine I had to find homes right quick after they got half grown!!
What!?!?! You don't enjoy the poo covered porch? I thought that was mandatory when you owned poultry. The geese have still not figured out the steps.....thank goodness!!
we had the qeese also they staid with the pig and the mini donkey, we put a piece of wire across their drinkin water that was just big enough so they all could drink, and kept a pool filled for them. But they were EVIL!!!! they would grab on to the donkeys tail and he'd take off and kick, they'd flop up from him kicking and he'd do it again. I think they thought it was a game!! it was nothing to see him running through the field with a goose on his tail..and one running behind flappin at him..LOL We traded those for the ducks..LOL
Wifezilla- Colorado is a bit far too ship especially from the south- we are working on matching the temps in hades right now. We will be selling eggs from the ones that are starting to lay if you want to hatch- I will need a test hatcher at some point because I DON'T NEED MORE DUCKS!! Of course that will also have to wait until cooler weather or I will have to learn to ship eggs in cooler. The oldest hen lays the most beautiful eggs. She is my tricolored hen and is absolutely beautiful.
My geese are very sedate. I have sebbies and all they want to do is be picked up or sit in the hammock or look in my apron pockets for something to eat. You can't go outside with decent shoes because they tromp all over your feet trying to get attention.

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