Drakes + Chicken Hens


Aug 13, 2018
We currently have two 7mo Rouen drakes, one 7mo Rouen duck, and 4 other ducks (we think they're Rouen/Runner crosses and around the same age). We also have 6 EE hens and 1 EE roo in the same coop/run (they're 5mo old). Our coop is large (about 12' wide x 15' deep x 8+' tall) and so far everything has gone very well in terms of ducks and chickens getting along. The ducks are all very laid back and keep to themselves, paying no attention to the chickens.

I'm wondering though if we'll be able to keep the peace long-term. I know that drakes trying to mate with hens can be very dangerous and certainly don't want anyone getting hurt. But since our drakes are a heavy breed (they are NOT very agile lol) and the chickens have plenty of space to get away from them (they have lots of spots they can quickly hop up to that the drakes couldn't dream of getting to) -- I'm wondering if it might end up being ok?

We're prepared to separate them if we must, but hope we won't have to. If there's a chance they'll all be ok together we'll just continue keeping an eye on them and intervene if necessary. But if it's a disaster waiting to happen we may need to get started on a separate duck house. Has anyone had success keeping drakes and chickens together?
did you raise them together? if not they most likely didn’t imprint to them at all and won’t even try
No, the 3 Rouens were raised together and they went outside right as we got the chicks, and the 4 Rouen/Runner crosses were added to the coop around 4mo and the chickens shortly after that.

So you think there's a decent chance they'll be ok?
I think that they will probably be okay if they aren't imprinted on the chickens. Just keep an eye out for any naughty drakes during mating season.
I think that they will probably be okay if they aren't imprinted on the chickens. Just keep an eye out for any naughty drakes during mating season.
Sounds good! Right now the ducks and chickens totally ignore each other so I'm hoping that continues. Their mating season is in the spring, correct? Are there any duck-specific aggression behaviors I should be on the lookout for? We've had chickens before but not ducks.

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