Drakes frisky again!!


Jul 28, 2020
Cornwall, UK
Hi - this is my first full season of duck keeping. Boys (9) and girls (5) are kept separate. The boys had a few hairy months where no one’s toes or ankles were safe but they had started to calm down. Then out of nowhere they are being hormonal boys again. I have 2 who have targeted 1 who now has a sore neck and off their food. I have separated him with a pal and he does seem to be on the mend.
My question is, is this second wind of hormones normal? And when do I try to reintegrate as they are still making a beeping for him when I let them free range.
Thanks in advance
They are only a year old. I have put him in with the girls now and seems happy with that as he was still being hounded today by the boys.
He is not at all interested in mating them, so it’s all lovely and peaceful in their run.
They are only a year old. I have put him in with the girls now and seems happy with that as he was still being hounded today by the boys.
He is not at all interested in mating them, so it’s all lovely and peaceful in their run.
I put one of my rescue drakes in with my son's girls as my two most recent rescues were pulling eachothers head and neck feathers out. He in with the girls settled in immediately! The one that stayed with my drakes is developing a relationship with another drake [my other three completely ignore him]: he got the short straw. Your boy is lucky to have a female flock to join!

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