Drama over "sheer" curtains and seedlings.


In the Brooder
6 Years
So I've started my seeds in a big bay window facing southwest.. they're doing wonderful. My mother got a creative whim and redid most of her decor including the curtains in the bay window - they've gone from tied back burgundy to lace "sheer" curtains that CANNOT under any circumstances be tied back. Or she'll lose her ****. I'm concerned the seeds won't get enough light, I have a window in my bedroom that faces south - but I share a room with two toddlers. if you were in my position would you risk brave the curtains or the toddlers?? Help please.
there's not an available outlet near the window... i have the seeds set up in my bedroom high enough that the kids cant reach it, unless my one year old climbs on the bed..
he'll just have to be carefully monitored cause he is quite a terror. but he loves the little plants and ive been teaching him the meaning of the word "gentle". he's basically got it down, i know because i told him to be gentle with a ladybug he found this morning and instead of squishing it (which was his initial plan) he simply rolled it over a couple of times. pray for the safety of the seedlings. i think i am going to need a miracle.
there's not an available outlet near the window... i have the seeds set up in my bedroom high enough that the kids cant reach it, unless my one year old climbs on the bed..
he'll just have to be carefully monitored cause he is quite a terror. but he loves the little plants and ive been teaching him the meaning of the word "gentle". he's basically got it down, i know because i tod him to be gentle with a ladybug he found this morning and instead of squishing it (which was his initial plan) he simply rolled it over a couple of times. pray for the safety of the seedlings. i think i am going to need a miracle.

Well I hope everything works out!!!
yes! this helps! haha its always nice to know there's someone out there who feels my pain.. so far the kids haven't gotten into them, but the previous damage done to most of the tomato seeds is proving irreversible. i have at least 4 holding on; which is horrible considering i started with 36 but its better than nothing. the rest of the seeds are just fine - so far.
Haha. My son always wants to touch mine which are growing in my room. I keep him out as much as possible. :) He's a bit too rough on them right now. Hopefully this summer he will be a little more gentle. I want him to feel involved. I think we are going to get him some of his own tools.
I'm thinking about putting a play yard up near the garden, where my son can be contained and do whatever he like to his own garden. haha He'll be 2 in June but I don't trust him in my garden just yet. I'd like him to feel involved as well, but he's a very confident kid who thinks he knows best (yes, even at two) and he'll be running the whole show if I let him. When his garden is up and running I'll share pictures if you'd like!
I'm "that" mom who needs to document everything. haha
That would be great! Maybe we could start our own thread for our kids gardening with pics and stuff. I scrapbook so I understand about being "that" mom. :) A play yard isn't a bad idea. Mine will be 2 on Earth Day and he doesn't know he's a little guy. I will have to think of a way to make his spot really appealing and fun.
Yes to a kid's gardening thread! I don't know how the weather is over in Ohio, but according to the weather channel you've got snow pretty bad too. I was hoping it was all a hoax and we could start planting soon! Hopefully this will be the last of the snow, I'm ready for spring gardening! And my kids are getting cabin fever and driving me nearly insane.. they need to be able to go play outside.

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