
I've been drawing this with a sharpie
keep addin' stuff to it off 'n on
A photo of Pink(Alecia Moore) I started...and the other, the tiny sideways face is referenced from Namie Amuro and the big face/part of body is just random. Both were done last night 'cuz I got bored and felt like drawing.


Great work everyoe. I scribble and draw all the time. As far as finished worj goes, I do more painting then anything eles. Stil, here are a couple of rabbit ones I did for a couple of the watership down role playing groups I am in.

This is another players character Blackthorn.


His daughter Ivory. My character.


I can do more detailed drawings too. Just haven't done any recently. This is what I like to do. First two are oils. the rabbit is acrylic. i have many, many more too.




Mary! i didn't know you could draw! those pigeons look nice!
I'm surprised at how many good artists there are on a chicken site. I love art and once in a great while I'll do a drawing. I rarely do any since I want it perfect and I have a bit of a problem with doing proportions right. I wish I had more pictures of my work on the computer but I don't and most of the ones I do have I took a picture with a bad quality webcam. I do have two however that I'm willing to share even though they aren't my best.

This one I did on drawing paper (should of been a canvas but didn't have any large enough). I rarely paint and when I did I usually used oil paints but only had acrylic paint that I'm not use to working with. Paper started to fall apart from the wetness is why some spots you can see where I used white paint and others I didn't cause I didn't want to make it to wet and ruin it even more. Would of liked to have the whole face with white paint on it. I did it a while back about a month before I got married to keep my mind off of stress and I'm a Batman fan.


This one I did in pencil first, scanned into the computer, and then used the free art program called Gimp. I recommend trying out Gimp if you're intrested in something like photoshop but free. My husband does the same with his drawings. I had been to lazy to complete anything enough to scan in so it was my first attempt at coloring in one my my drawings on the computer. I'm real happy with the outcome except after finishing him I realized how small the forhead was but the rest of it I think makes up for it. Maybe sometime I'll try to adjust the head to see if I can fix it. I know it took more than 30 hours to color in. I never got around to doing the background though.

The only things I used with Gimp for the Hellboy picture was the default pencils, some airbrushing, smudge, blur, and dodge highlight/shadows. I had the different colors on different layers to help keep them from mixing together. Saved the file as a .xcf file so I didn't have to merge them all down to save and can open it back up with everything where I left it. That was extremely helpful.

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