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I do drawing and painting.

Here is something I did last night. I drew it out on a piece of wood, then used my wood burning pen and burnt the image into the wood.
Everyones work is so beautiful. I love the inks of the dogs and the pointalism of the basset hound.

I have drawn, painted and sculpted since I was a toddler but never had any classes beyond a second rate high school.

This is a mural in my living room

This is a Wicked Painting I did for my daughter

This is on plywood that I attached too the side of the coop

This is a Coraline doll that I made for my daughter. That is daughter holding her. I made a Wyborn too and a ton of clothes to go with them. I'll get better pics sometime.

I will upload some of my other work another time.

Keep posting people. I love seeing all this talent.
Ah, I am shamed by the amazing-ness of everyone's artwork!

This is, I think, my best chicken drawing...

Horse watercolor...

And (this one is recent) an UNFINISHED character sketch of the heroine of my novel, Exta. Note that it IS unfinished! I'm normally horrible at drawing human(oid) forms realistically, so I used both a mannequin and a photo that I took of myself in that pose (laptop cam) to draw this... it's just pencil, but I'm pretty proud of it.


Closeup of her face... the face is the part I always screw up (I make it too cartoony) so I'm reasonably pleased with this one...

Please note that the above are not finished and thus not signed or anything... also, they were taken with my laptop cam in bad light, so the pics are low-quality and kind of distorted. For some reason it also flipped the image... she's really pointing the other way.
The picture is now on my magnet board above my desk, along with myriad feathers, photographs, sketches, and author notes... *sigh* things get sort of lost in that board...
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Horsefeathers I think they are awsome. I USED to feel horriable about the way I drew. I thought the masters can just bring this stuff right out of their heads and get the shading and porportions so perfect. Even the old school Disney illistrators could with all their watercolor,oil and pen. I never went to school for art. So when I watched a documentary in my 20's that said all these people used mostly live models of people and animals, I did'nt feel like I was cheating at all. It takes some people years to learn where shadows should fall according to wear the light is in your work. I spent hours as a small child just practicing shading with pencil. Studing light. Always be proud of the work that you do. I am

I think the thing that I love most about this thread is that even though a lot of you are critical of your own work you are not about to give up. I love that. I am 36 and like I said before doing art in some fashion since I was about 2. I try to get my kids interested. But every time they find something hard they want to quit. They are 10 and 13. Maybe some of you could give me an idea how to keep them motivated. They say they see my work and know they can't do it so why try. Thats BS. My brother has his masters in art. I do one style he does another.
Thanks so much! I usually draw from photographs for realistic things, but up until now my concept art has been freehand and rather cartoony, that's why I was pleased with Exta.
For keeping your kids interested... I'm the same age as your oldest, actually, so to be honest you're probably getting on his/her nerves if you're pushing them. If they don't want to do art, then there is no way and no how you are going to make them. My mother and father both went to college for art, and my grandmother is a courtroom artist, so if any of them tried to get me to do art if I didn't want to I would feel highly intimidated and not do it... possibly never in my life. Everyone has their own little talent... sports, art, music, whatever. I'm sure your kids will figure it out eventually. If you push them to one particular thing nothing good will ever come of it. I guess just encourage whatever they seem interested in.
Thanks. I try. But so far they are only interested in hanging out with friends, video games and their mp3 players. My son is obsessed with Nightmare Before Christmas so I did 3 big canvases in his room of different secenes in the movie. The pumpkin king, Ooogie Boogie and Jack on the roulette wheel and Jack and Sally on the hill in the snow. He loves it but instead of being inspired they just expect it. My daughter saw the Wicked play and loves the music so I did the cover of the playbill for her. She loves that too. I posted that one eariler. I just have to be more patient with them. Maybe they are just late to really be interestd in something. They bore easily and stick with nothing.
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