
Here's a doodle that turned out pretty cool,

And another doodle that I think is awsome!

This is somethin I drew for a friend,

I drew this out of boredom, I like how the water turned out.

I drew this on last halloween during school,

An unfinnished chook I drew. Best I've ever done, but I can still see some flaws.

An unfinnished horse, the bridle looks weird to me.

And I drew this dragon last night. It's blind, so the long pointy things are whiskers to keep it from bumping into things.

The anatomy on some of these are wrong, but, what the heck.
I love to sketch... funny thing is I have not done any in years... UNTIL TONIGHT! after stumbling across this thread I got excited and did a quick sketch of a mare and foal...

I have lost my touch though...


It's funny.... after not drawing for a long time I kind of stuggled.... note the half finished rear legs on foal.... It used to happen so naturally! ahh well at least they look like horses

maybe I should have started with something easier......
Thanks Zahboo!

I was one of those horse mad children.. I used to draw them (and farm scenes!) constantly! It has probably been gosh.. 10 years since I really sat down with a pencil in my hand and started to draw!!

I was actually talking with my neighbour recently about getting into some art again. We were thinking of both entering something crafty in our local agricultural show!

If I finish that picture I'll post the rest... it started turning into a horse collage...
ok well this is as finished as it's ever gunna get!


the horse on the top LHS is meant to be my mare
(from a pic taken 11 years ago!!!!)


there are some wonderfully talented artists on here!!! I have enjoyed looking through the posts this evening!
I just got through ALL of the pages. All you guys are very talented!! If you're young, stay with it...please!!! I'm like chookn...got busy with "life" and let the joy of drawing fall to the wayside. My son is quite talented, and it kills me that he didn't choose to pursue art classes in high school, I think because he just doesn't feel that he's "good enough." It's a wonderfully expressive outlet

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