
Tried another method with the caligraphy.

ETA: The pic.
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Here are two projects I did in an art class last semester, I have a bunch more drawings but I'm having trouble uploading them.. something about being the wrong format. Anyway. The first is with pencil, Ink, Acyrlic, and shredded paper. The second is black/white acyrlic.

I dont have many on my computer as a lot of the really good stuff I have done was on paper too large for my scanner lol. I do however have few things I have done for my art school. Also a ducky pic I did just for fun! This is a portrait of my ducklings at about a week and a half old or so.




These are only a couple of pictures out of my entire portfolio which is pretty HUGE lol. Well. Hope you all enjoy it. In case you want to know what my mediums are: HB and 2B pencil, India Ink, Acrylic paints, and prismacolor pencils
I have been taking classes and going to open drawing sessions for about 5 years now. There are long periods with no practice and then I get inspired again. It is hard work.

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