Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

Things sure can change quickly! That "skiff" of snow turned into about 3 inches of sloppy, heavy, wet snow. I would have waited for a warm up to remove it, but I damaged a prong on one of my rings -- the one that's too tight to remove -- so I needed to go into town to have it cut off before the stone fell out. Hope that's the last time I have to shovel this spring.

The ring -- my ruby birthstone, surrounded by little diamonds -- was the first piece of "good" jewelry that I ever owned. I bought it in the 1980s and made payments for 18 months when I was too poor to even think about buying anything that expensive.

It had to be cut off because I had it sized tightly so it wouldn't spin around. Despite all my friends' helpful hints and those at the jewelry store, I knew cutting it was the only option. Not only because I used to sell fine jewelry, but because even the folks at University Hospitals in Iowa City couldn't remove it in one piece. I got my surgeon to overrule the nurse who thought she was going to cut it off; we just wrapped my finger so it wouldn't swell during surgery or recovery. It's been at least 10 years since that ring came off on its own.

The sweet little cat is still here. Unfortunately, it desperately wants to be inside, either the house or the garage would do. I don't want cat tracks on my car, so the garage is out. Since No. 1 arches and spits when my dogs go out, the house is also not an option. Good news: it's not totally declawed. As I tried to break up a squabble between it and the dogs, I got a big puncture wound in my hand. No. 1 has some serious defensive abilities after all.

More good news: The kitchen mouse is no more.
The wet, slushy snow is gone; in its wake is a landscape of seemingly bottomless mud -- which the dogs and I track into the house several times a day. I know we are still in a drought, so I shouldn't complain. But my waterfowl can almost swim inside their shelters, there's so much standing water.

My runner drakes are hormonally stupid this time of year and, as a result, assault each other repeatedly. Lane went to the vet yesterday; he has an infection in a wing joint and will be on oral antibiotics for a month. Oh, joy!

No. 1 is still hanging around and is on the verge of getting an actual name. It's a clever little cat, always finding predator-safe hiding places and making piteous noises so I will bring it food.
It is funny how easily humans are trained by their pets, eh?
we had over ten inches of snow.
the neighbor was here with his
skid steer early and had us plowed
then it rained a long time.
the driveway and all the area between the garage and house are covered with a thick layer of crushed granite.. a little wet dust gets tracked in, but no sinking up to our ankles in mud..
We got around 10 inches, but this morning it's mostly gone. Now I gotta go out and pick up all the wet dog piles. Seems when there's snow on the ground they can't be expected to get very far away from the house. It's like people parking in a snowy parking lot. Pick a spot and assume you are good because you can't see the boundary lines. Than the snow melts and you can see all the crazy choices.

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