Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

Annie and I worked on the sewage lift pump yesterday
we got it put together and in place,
then we discovered that the power cord was faulty .
it was too hot to continue outside, so I brought the cord into the house and fixed it.
today I will connect the cord and we should be good to go.
the severe storms passed to the north and south of us
I don't think we even got any rain.
the rhubarb pie is in the oven.
note to self: don't try to make suggestions to wife about baking a pie. she refused to use the new cutting board to roll out the dough. kitchen table and waxed paper is her preference . and don't add more flout to the recipe.
it makes it fall apart. can't add more liquid because the recipe doesn't call for it..
OK , I got the he)) out of the kitchen..
A wise man knows when it's time to retreat!! A gazillion years ago, my now-former husband tried to "help" me when I was making a recipe I learned from my mom and had eaten since I was old enough for solid food.

After the third helpful hint, I let him know from that day forward, he could be the chief cook; after that, he probably made 90 percent of the meals. Honestly, he was very good at cooking, just not my family recipes! Seasonings for my family were rarely more than salt and pepper. His family apparently liked things eye-wateringly HOT!!!!

It sounded like a downpour last night around 10 p.m., but everything was dry when I took out the dogs at 4 a.m. Gee, maybe it will be dry enough that I can spend more time mowing. Menards had the batteries back in stock yesterday, so I can mow even longer at a time now. Oh, boy!

I harvested my first Cherry Belle radishes over the weekend and planted another row yesterday. Russian Banana fingerling potatoes are peeking through the dirt. Cut enough rhubarb to make something with; I'll figure out the "what" today.

Kittens got their first taste of kitten chow. Some attacked it vigorously; some acted as if it was horrible.
I must have heard you put the dogs out.
I woke up at 4AM.
despite my "help" the pie turned out delicious.
I looked up crust recipes on youtube.
I might try one of those.
I still think Annie's is too dry.
I worked at Dixie Creme and made turnovers with pie dough. It was not as dry as Annie's.
But I will leave her alone. she has never baked a bad pie for me..
today I hope to get a project done in the wood shop. I am making slats for my sister's park bench. I am using the oak from the tree that she fell off of a swing and broke her arm.
Ahhh, fond memories. lol
Did I mention that we got the sump pump running ? this one is ten times more efficient than the old one. It cost twice as much, too.
A wise man knows when it's time to retreat!! A gazillion years ago, my now-former husband tried to "help" me when I was making a recipe I learned from my mom and had eaten since I was old enough for solid food.

After the third helpful hint, I let him know from that day forward, he could be the chief cook; after that, he probably made 90 percent of the meals. Honestly, he was very good at cooking, just not my family recipes! Seasonings for my family were rarely more than salt and pepper. His family apparently liked things eye-wateringly HOT!!!!

It sounded like a downpour last night around 10 p.m., but everything was dry when I took out the dogs at 4 a.m. Gee, maybe it will be dry enough that I can spend more time mowing. Menards had the batteries back in stock yesterday, so I can mow even longer at a time now. Oh, boy!

I harvested my first Cherry Belle radishes over the weekend and planted another row yesterday. Russian Banana fingerling potatoes are peeking through the dirt. Cut enough rhubarb to make something with; I'll figure out the "what" today.

Kittens got their first taste of kitten chow. Some attacked it vigorously; some acted as if it was horrible.
Oh wow!!!!!
The power, which went out at 4:11 yesterday afternoon, came back on at 1:39 this morning. Gee, I wish I hadn't gone grocery shopping yesterday morning because the temp in my refrigerator is about 60 degrees, 20 too high for the more-perishable food. Guess it's back to Aldi today.

I was actually feeling pretty good at 4 p.m. because it looked like the worst of the storm was over. There had been sheets of rain that drenched me when I did chores and winds that almost knocked me over and did bend over lots of perennials, but no real damage.

So, it could have been Much Worse.

When I was a kid, we would sometimes lose electricity for days at a time. Dad would get dry ice in town, and we were forbidden to open the fridge or freezer. HOWEVER, unlike now with modern gas stoves that have an electric start, we could cook food on our old stove.
My dinner last night was fig bar cookies and multi-grain chips.
Barb, I see you posted at 2:24AM
I was getting out of bed at 2:22 AM
we lost power from 8 PM until 10:35 PM
we had a tornado warning so we spent about an hour in the basement bedroom
no power, no cell phones, no land line phone
a couple of flashlights and the flashlights on our cell phones.
for supper I had pringles, cheese sticks and a beer. all the food groups except meat..
it was like camping.
I have no idea if we have any damage or trees down..
I don't know if it hailed or not.
morning will tell.

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