drenched run

I second the notion that you should carefully remove ALL STRAW before adding sand. What a DISGUSTING stinky mess I had, when I didn't know any better. I buried the wet straw with new sand and YUCK YUCK YUCK.. it took a week to uncover all the straw and get it out of there. Its different when the straw is on top of the sand, that you can scrape out easily.

baucomgop - you MUST fix your drainage issues now before the weather gets worse... PAT.. where are you??? Patandchickens has THE page about drainage... I'll go find the link for you

Here it is: Pat's Big Ol' Mud Page: https://www.backyardchickens.com/web/viewblog.php?id=1642-fix-a-muddy-run let the learning begin!
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Thanks so much for the responses, we were tossed in without having much time to research it taking two very young hens who needed a place to go immediately. Now we are learning as we go. Not ideal, but so far so good. We dont know what breed our girls are, they came to us not having laid their first egg. They have been laying beautiful large brown eggs now for about two months.
Again, thanks for the info and the link I will be checking it out.
Louisa Baucom
Annapolis, MD
You'll get it sorted, and if you can ever roof that run, you will be in chicken heaven!
I used wheat straw on the outside run and then rain rain and more rain hit Georgia. It did not take long for the straw to become soggy and smell worse than a garbage truck , mucked it all out started with a good coating of lime then 3 inches of course river sand and cypress wood chips on top. Make sure you put adequate sand over the lime so as not to burn the chickens feet.

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