Dried out skin?


In the timeout corner
Premium Feather Member
Feb 23, 2023
Today when I went out to feed the chickens I noticed that one of my hen's face was very dry and flaky looking. Has anyone ever had this happen and is it something I should be concerned about?
It could be favus a fungal infection. I would get some miconazole, Monistat, or clotrimazole cream and apply it to the areas once or twice daily.
It could be favus a fungal infection. I would get some miconazole, Monistat, or clotrimazole cream and apply it to the areas once or twice daily.
If this is what it is, will I have to treat all my birds or just the ones with symptoms?
No, I would only treat the one with symptoms, but check the others often for signs. Wear gloves or wash hands after applying the cream.
A different site suggested coconut oil. Do you think that would work? I would prefer to use something more natural if possible.
Update: So I was going to start with coconut oil but before I went shopping I put her and a friend outside in a dog cage to get some sun. The next day when I went out to apply the oil her skin was very clear and it was just a little crusty around her ears. It seams to have disappeared overnight so that's good but I'm not certain how it happened.

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