dried poo stuck to feathers!


In the Brooder
Jan 22, 2018
Hi I have 5 day old chicks and one of them has dried poo stuck on her feathers (around her butt) It is not covering her butthole so she can poop but there is dried poop all around it and I tried gently rubbing it off with some water and it doesn't really work. Any suggestions?
I would use a warm washcloth. I grab an old bowl to hold warm water in because sometimes it takes a bit of time for it to work. Just hold it in the area try to saturate the crust ( squeezing helps loosen it as well) just work at it for a bit. It should all come off. I would suggest getting it off so it doesn't clump up back there any worse than it already has. Best of luck:love
You can run their butt under a warm faucet or dunk it in a bowl of warm water and use a cotton bud/Q tip to loosen the poop. You will then need to fully dry the area....dab dry with a kitchen towel then a warm, not hot, hairdryer is always good, on a gentle setting. Once she's clean and dry, you can use a fresh Q tip to apply a tiny bit of vaseline around her vent to prevent further 'stickage'!

I have found that adding ACV to the drinking water helps clear any runny poops right up, so the pasty butt will not re-occur xx
I just finished and it was a success! She is really happy and clean now. I ended up putting a tiny bit of calendula ointment (i read that calendula is good for chickens) around that area and it helped get some of the poo off really well. Thanks for your help

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