Droopy hen - help please

I’m not sure. I have 3 Isa browns in a mixed flock of 15, so not sure which is laying. One of them has been laying eggs with super thin shells - so thin either they break in the box or when I pick them up. Maybe it’s her? That has been going on for a while now, I’ve just now noticed she is sick, so that’s brand new. Everyone else seems healthy. They eat Purina layer, sunflower seeds and scratch. Occasional mealworms. They free range all day, cooped at night. She is inside in a crate and has nibbled at the egg. Not drinking.
At that age and diet, she may have a broken egg in her.
How often and how much does she get the seeds and scratch?
Sex links are prone to reproductive issues that can typically start cropping up at 2.
I have a series of questions. How old is she? Is she very thirsty? Does she tremble? does her poop seem extra watery or mushy if so what colour is it?
1. She is 2.
2. She doesn't seem interested in drinking. I found her sitting alone kind of hunched over in the run, not near food or water.
3. I just checked and there is a wet spot on the towel under her which could be poop, but not sure. I would think probably it is. So likely very watery. She has been inside for about an hour.

She is currently sitting on the towel which at least seems more comfortable than being miserable outside.
At that age and diet, she may have a broken egg in her.
How often and how much does she get the seeds and scratch?
Sex links are prone to reproductive issues that can typically start cropping up at 2.
She has free access to seeds and scratch and feed, as well as whatever else she scratches up during the day. Is there something wrong with that diet? Also, I looked up "keel" and i can feel it, she feels thin to me.
1. She is 2.
2. She doesn't seem interested in drinking. I found her sitting alone kind of hunched over in the run, not near food or water.
3. I just checked and there is a wet spot on the towel under her which could be poop, but not sure. I would think probably it is. So likely very watery. She has been inside for about an hour.

She is currently sitting on the towel which at least seems more comfortable than being miserable outside.
She just pooped. It’s mostly white, and very watery.
She has free access to seeds and scratch and feed, as well as whatever else she scratches up during the day. Is there something wrong with that diet? Also, I looked up "keel" and i can feel it, she feels thin to me.
She should not have free access to seeds and scratch, they're not great for her and keep her from getting enough of her formulated feed I'd she eats it. That's why her shells are weak. Seeds and scratch are treats to be given in minimal amounts one or twice a week.
I suspect she's Suffering from nutrition deficiency and very possibly a broken egg in her.
She should not have free access to seeds and scratch, they're not great for her and keep her from getting enough of her formulated feed I'd she eats it. That's why her shells are weak. Seeds and scratch are treats to be given in minimal amounts one or twice a week.
I suspect she's Suffering from nutrition deficiency and very possibly a broken egg in her.
All of the other hens have super hard shells. And really they don’t have scratch always, but definitely daily. I keep them closed up in the morning to ensure they are eating their feed first. Also she is one of the middle to top of the pecking order, so isn’t lacking.

I don’t think it’s her nutrition. I am definitely suspicious of the egg though.
All of the other hens have super hard shells. And really they don’t have scratch always, but definitely daily. I keep them closed up in the morning to ensure they are eating their feed first. Also she is one of the middle to top of the pecking order, so isn’t lacking.

I don’t think it’s her nutrition. I am definitely suspicious of the egg though.
I'm sorry, but anything besides their formulated feed should only be given once or twice a week in minor amounts, less than a tablespoon per bird.. Scratch and seeds are high in fat and carbs, chickens gather fat around their internal organs, like around the heart and liver before they lay anything on the outside. Any treats they eat dilutes their nutrient so they get full crops of chicken cheetos.
Anyway, What is the brand andvtype of the feed? For a broken egg, watch to see if her poops look yellow, and if not, she have a soft egg she's struggling to pass. Do you have any calcium citrate?
I'm sorry, but anything besides their formulated feed should only be given once or twice a week in minor amounts, less than a tablespoon per bird.. Scratch and seeds are high in fat and carbs, chickens gather fat around their internal organs, like around the heart and liver before they lay anything on the outside. Any treats they eat dilutes their nutrient so they get full crops of chicken cheetos.
Anyway, What is the brand andvtype of the feed? For a broken egg, watch to see if her poops look yellow, and if not, she have a soft egg she's struggling to pass. Do you have any calcium citrate?
They eat Purina layer feed and have oyster shell supplement. While I appreciate the nutrition advice the rest of the flock is healthy and has hard shelled eggs.
I will give her calcium because there is some reason she continues to lay weak shells and an Epsom salts bath.
Since her crop is large and puffy or boggy, it sounds like she may have sour crop. That may be related to a reproductive/egg problem, and would cause weight loss, since her digestive tract in not working. Stop any grains or seeds, but you can offer egg, plain yogurt, and wet chicken feed in small amounts. The most important thing she needs is water, and electrolytes would help. @azygous has an article on how to treat crop disorders. Here is her article below, and she recommends an antifungal cream such as Monistat or miconazole given orally. Nystatin or Medistatin powder also are antifungal s that can be used.
1. She is 2.
2. She doesn't seem interested in drinking. I found her sitting alone kind of hunched over in the run, not near food or water.
3. I just checked and there is a wet spot on the towel under her which could be poop, but not sure. I would think probably it is. So likely very watery. She has been inside for about an hour.

She is currently sitting on the towel which at least seems more comfortable than being miserable outs

Since her crop is large and puffy or boggy, it sounds like she may have sour crop. That may be related to a reproductive/egg problem, and would cause weight loss, since her digestive tract in not working. Stop any grains or seeds, but you can offer egg, plain yogurt, and wet chicken feed in small amounts. The most important thing she needs is water, and electrolytes would help. @azygous has an article on how to treat crop disorders. Here is her article below, and she recommends an antifungal cream such as Monistat or miconazole given orally. Nystatin or Medistatin powder also are antifungal s that can be used.
Thank you. As an update this morning, she seems worse. She is refusing to drink. I tried giving her some electrolytes by syringe, even just a tiny bit and she vomits it. In fact, she vomits every time I pick her up, even if very gently. It is watery and brownish. It smells funky. I checked her vent last night and didn't feel an egg, so I don't think that is the problem anymore. It must be her crop, but I don't know how to administer medicine if she keeps vomiting it up. I don't know how to turn this around.

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