Dropped fertile egg very close to hatch date... HELP!

I'm sorry, since you don't know the exact date I don't know anything else to do. Even if you keep it wrapped up in a warm moist environment it probably wouldn't survive since you said it could only be day 15.
SOOOO Very Sorry, But I guess I misunderstood "Broke".. I not so sure Tissue Paper and Glue is going to help this time. Try the moist paper towel if you think it might be alive..but dont worry about removing the tissue paper as it might help. You can also use Q-tips and warm water to keep the lining moist. Just be careful not get to much water on it. As bad as that egg looks, It honestly may not make it.. But I would defiantly TRY everything I possibly could too.

As far as making an opening for it to breath, If its close to it's hatch date, say.. 19+ days then that would be ok.. but making as opening before that, might kill the chick IF its still alive..

Hope it makes it though..
OH and IF you try to make an opening..1st OFF.. try to find out where the beak is, and very carefully, make a small hole there.. just dont get it to big.. and remember to try to avoid the blood vessels..that the hard part.

Unfortunately no :( But I have two healthy and happy chicks that came from the same clutch that are doing well so I am focusing on that.
Hey I had a question. I found a wild duck egg a few weeks back and today is day 22 of incubation and it was very much alive and moving. Unfortunately this morning, unbeknownst to me, the incubator dropped from it's shelf and the egg rolled out. It couldn't have been there more than a few hours but when I touched it it was pretty cool and when I candled it the air sack took up much more of the egg and I couldn't see any activity save for one of the vessels was still pumping. The egg did not crack (somehow), but do you guys think it's dead? I put it back in the incubator (more securely) and thought id wait it out and see. It's such a disappointment because I've been so diligent with caring for this little thing and I was excited to see it hatch. Any advice? Thanks!

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