Dropping boards ?

Just wanted to chime in here. I use poop boards and think they r good, only takes a min or two a day to scrape. Thanks to whoever suggested it here. I have seventeen hens and one roo. My coop is 8x8. GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN WITH UR GIRLS!!!!
These are my poop boards
Thanks for all the replies. It's great to get all this information before final construction. My dh think the poop board is a great idea. This is good since he really doesn't want the chickens at all;)! We're gonna work on the coop and pen tomorrow so I'm anxious to get started.

P.S. What is Sweet PDZ? And where can I start looking for it? I can get DE locally, thankfully.

Alice in Chickenland
HenneyPenney I love your setup. I think I'm going to try some poop boards this spring. I think once I set them up I will like them better than what
I've been doing. Have you found any of your chickens wanting to roost on the boards?
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No noone roosts on the boards,they sit as close to the ceiling as they can get. And for the person that wants to know what sweet pdz is,its like a kitty litter only for chickens or horse stall or whatever,mine is granular and it absorbs moisture and the smell of amonia,.its great stuff very absorbent.its safe for animals even if they eat it.
the poop boards are great! My DH just finished our roost with board below, whole roosting set up is about 3ft high as we have standard size birds. I put pine shavings on the board and take an old dust pan to scrape into a bucket or empty feed bag about every 3 days. coop seems much cleaner and they can walk around under the roosting area which adds to the floor space for the birds.
I love my droppings board. I so would never have a coop without it. Just think, the droppings must go somewhere and if it's on the floor, your birds will be in it and dirtier. Plus it eats up clean floor space for them to play in. Good luck, anxious to see what you come up with.


Right after this pic was taken we tacked the linoleum to the wall with molding so it wouldn't curl and pull up. The floor is also covered in linoleum and covered with 3 inches of pine shavings which I have never had to replace yet and I added it when I got my chicks in June. I just rake it and the heavy goes to the bottom while the light and fluffy comes to the top. Doesn't stink in there either although it is winter here still. Deep litter method would be way more difficult if they dropped all their nightly droppings on the floor. I just clean the droppings board with a small dustpan at least once per week and all is well.
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Some of my roosting bars have poop boards. They are great space savers! You can utilize the space below them with waterers or feeders. Mine are basically a 2' wide table with a roost bar up another 6" or so.. I will dust DE on them periodically.

My birds use the ramp up to the roost bar. Poop board is shown under part of the roosting bar. I use the space below it for a heated waterer during the Winter.


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