Drowning in eggs!!! ~~~~Picture Added~~~~

No, it won't. A chicken absorbs the light through her pituitary gland, so she could be sleeping with her eyes closed and the light will still affect her rate of lay.

Thanks for the answer
23 pullets and they're 23 weeks old. I can't keep track of which ones are laying. I know for a fact that Blind Tiny hasn't laid one yet because she lives alone. Her wattles have grown over night and her comb is bigger and redder now so she'll lay her first any day now. I'll have to hand feed her her favorite treat when she does lay...watermelon. I walk out of her pen with pecks all over my hands when I feed her watermelon, she can't see it of course and pecks at anything in reach...like my hand.

Does Blind Tina live like right next door to the other chickens? I was wondering if she is like near enough to the others that she can smell, and hear them. Are they just separated by a little fence or something?
Oh and congrats on all the eggs.

Yes Blind Tiny's "Townhouse" is built right off the side of the main house. It even has a window cut into it that leads into the main house so she can hear them (covered with chicken wire so they can't get to her). She then has a 10'x11' run inside the 40'x50' chicken yard. She can't live with the other chickens because they peck her until they draw blood. If she's not separated they will kill her. She gets plenty of my attention and love. She loves living by herself. She gets to eat whenever she wants, she gets to finally dust bathe (the other chickens wouldn't let her) and she lays out in the sun all day long.

Here's pictures:






rooster-red, someone posted on here that some college did a study and blind chickens lay better then other chickens. I don't care if she lays at all. She's my pet, she doesn't have to work.
Southern, I'm so happy for you. I've read along with all your posts back when you were wondering when you'd see an egg. My flock hatched on 5/21, and a few of them had really red faces and combs for a few weeks and . . . NOTHING!! Now, they're molting, their faces are more pale, and not an egg in sight.

I guess I'll have to wait to spring.
None of my girls have molted yet, my roo is molting right now. I'll be happy when his tail feathers grown back...he looks like a big fat hen!
Thanks for the pictures. I may have to separate one of mine, and was wondering if I was going to have to put a friend in with her.

If you have one that's really nice to put in with the one that you want to separate then go for it. Tiny is sooooo much happier to be away from all the bullies.

I thought blind tiny was getting a silkie partner. Did that ever happen?

I know a guy that has about 7 standards and 5 bantams and 3 of the bantams are roos, 1 is a cute lil silkie roo. I begged him to sell me the silkie roo because he's so sweet and he has to many roos anyway but he said his daughters love all the chickens to much to part with any. I think me and DH are going to get a small flock of silkies next spring. Maybe I'll find her a roommate then.

She's so happy living on her own and is growing faster now that she is on her own. Even the nicest chicken will realize they have dominance over her and start pecking so for the time being she's better off by herself.

I'm thinking about starting a thread about the life of Blind Tiny...the mini series.​
Southern, listen to eggchel = that recipe for 10 egg pound cake is really good. I made it twice. I only have two chickens and I halved that recipe. you could sell pound cake too you know! Remember when you couldn't wait for eggs?
I remember!!! I was dying for eggs and now I think I'm going to give them all away if no one buys them. I have at least 8 dozen in the frig now!!!! I think I ordered to many pullets for just me and DH. Oh well, I love them all anyway. And my dog loves the extra treats!!! He eats entire eggs...shell and all.
Maybe you could find someone to trade your eggs to for goats milk until you get your goats? You could use it in your soaps or just drink it

Maybe someone at the store you sell your soap at would be interested in eggs.......

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