drunk driver who nearly killed my sister sentenced today

Someone actually told you to ACCEPT what happened? That would be a person who has never experienced a tragic death at the hands of a murderer, whether it is a serial killer or a drunk driver.

In Kentucky, there was a case where a judge let a teacher out of prison on shock probation after only a few months in prison. It was not her first time for DUI, and she killed a man. While out, she violated her probation by drinking and driving again, and leaving the state. She said she didn't realize that she was leaving the state when she crossed the river. Really??? Who awarded you your master's degree?
The victim's family was upset that she was not being punished. The judge told them to 'get over it'.
I am so sorry for your loss... and you can never just accept it.. I preach to everyone I know about drinking and driving... I remingd them of what my siter is going thru and all the other families.

my sister doesnt remeber a whole lot about the wreck. she rembers what she ate before the accident. then she remembers hanging out of the windshield (she was a backseat passenger)with a truck over her and nobody checking on her because they thought she was dead and working on the one they new was alive. nobody checked on her until she started moaning( has nightmares about this)
her injuries:
Heart got moved out of place so she had to have several ekgs to watch it
rods in both legs (one leg it had to go thru her knee because her hip was severly fractured)
lacerated liver (nearly killed her- several surgeries to take care of it)
plates and pins in her arm that isnt healing...
many cuts in her scalp... took the nurses a week to remove all the glass out of her hair
her face was so swollen if you didnt hear her talk you wouldnt have known it was her. her eye was swllen shut)
killed her two front teeth...
and possible a permanent back injury

she was the lucky one...

she has a rod in her back because its broken. and spent longer in the hospital thasn my sister...
Her husband left her(not sure if it was before or after the accident) my sister has her wonderful husband who built her wheelchair ramp and put decorative railing . because he loves her... he also built the other girls wheel chair ramp because she had no one to do it for her... he also goes and does stuff around her house to help her out...
One of my best friend's wife and child were killed by a drunk driver. That murderer didn't spend a single day in jail. It was in the 70s, and they had horridly lenient drunk driving laws around here back then. It wasn't even his first time, he had a huge drunk driving history. It isn't something you "just get over".
I hope your sister recovers as fast as possible.
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Your sister sounds like a very brave woman! Some days are really hard. The day i met DH and the day he proposed, the day DD Learned to read a whole book on her own, the day she learned to ride a bike, her first day of school. Other days I can go almost all day without something reminding me of him.
He was killed instantly because it was a head-on (the guy was on the wrong side of a divided highway) and his little car had no chance against the guy's farm truck. That is the one thing I am thankful for, he didn't suffer at all (despite the many injuries his body had) or even had time to know what was going to happen.
My cousin had months of intense therapy and still has to do nightly exercises so that the rods and plates in his arms and legs don't cripple him. Thankfully the last thing he remembers is My brother picking him up so they could come home (he practically lived with us and only went to his mom's for clothes) and the smile that he had because the next day was 4th of July and how he couldn't wait to get my daughter sparklers because he loved the look of awww that she had when he showed her something new (she was 1 at the time).
Your sister is very lucky she has such a wonderful supportive family. My cousin said if he didn't have us he would have died in the hospital but he knew we would revive him and kick his butt because losing one brother was hard enough.
I was told once that in the end it will all be ok, if it's not ok then it's not the end. Your sister is very lucky and she will do great with y'alls help. My best wishes and prayers go to your sister and family. Keep us posted with how she is doing.

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