Dry flaky skin


12 Years
Dec 19, 2007
Brighton, CO
Is there anything to put in the food or water that would help this problem. They're my 7 week olds and they have really dry skin and they itchy. Just like the rest of us Coloradoans in this dry climate
Are you sure it is dry skin or is it their new feathers comming in and you are seeing the sheath falling off that surrounds new feathers?

As for dry skin in birds... not aware of any products for that.
If you pick up one of your birds and lift up the feathers on it's head and shake lightly you would probably see little white flakes come off of the upper pin feather part of the feather between where the blood feather area is and the emerged feather is. Sometimes these flakes are curved, and sometimes they are in a tube shape.
you can always supplement with three drops of POLYVISOL >liquid childrens vitamins) once a day in beak for a week then taper off the nxt as a B deficiency will sometimes cause dry flaky skin...can't hurt and might help.

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