dry legs with bleeding

bud and chris

11 Years
Dec 18, 2008
Hi everyone,
We have 5 barred rocks whose legs have become very dry to the point where some of the scales appear to have broken or been pecked off by other hens. this started with one hen. we thought it was an injury that induced the other girls to peck at her. Now the other 4 girls are experiencing the same symptoms. Egg production has decreased but we are figuring the stressed induced by the recent ice storm and power loss(no light in coop) could be doing this.We are treating with a triple antibiotic ointment. Anyone else every experience this?
bud and chris- gardner mass.
I can email pictures to anyone who think they may be able to help. We really love our girls and don't want anything bad to happen
I think equibling is right! Scarlet oil, Corona salve, bearing grease, vasaline, many other scaley leg ointments. Best ointment is Vasaline and sulfur powder mixed with sevin dust and smeared on legs.

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