Dry membrane is it time to intervene???!!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 4, 2014
I'm on day 28 of the only Ancona duck egg that made it out of six shipped eggs. The duckling has cracked the external shell (more than 24 hours ago) but the internal membrane appears too dry and it has not made its own hole. The humidity has been about 80% and temps between 98.5 to 99. I can still hear it chirp every now and again, but I'm afraid that it won't make it out considering the internal membrane appearing tan and dry..
I always intervene if it seems the chick or duckling is definitey stuck. as long as the membrane is dry and you think the chick wont make is otherwise then go for it. only peel the shell first, then make a slit in the membrane, then allow the duckling to finish off. keep on wetting the membrane with warmish water. only peel away shell in the air cell area- as the duckling may still be attached to the egg. if you see blood then pat it with a wet tissue and don't continue peeling from that area. good luck - send pics of the ducklings progress please - I may be able to help further
Thank you so much for your reply! As you can tell I'm kind of freaking out here! I will post a pic shortly. What do I make a slit with?
no problem! don't worry, I usually use tweezers - be careful you don't pinch the duckling. you can also use the tweezers to pull tiny bits of shell away - the key is to it carefully, don't rush, and take small bits of shell away at a time. if you don't have tweezers you could just use your nails - although that can be quite fiddly. there are plenty of good videos on youtube - some people don't use the correct methods which may result in hurting the duckling, but there are a handful of useful ones. whatever happens, it is a learning curve and if the duckling doesn't make it just know that you did what was right to help it :) good luck!
Thanks! So I exposed more of the external pip that the duckling had already made, but the membrane is so dry. I don't know if it will ever make it out on its own. I tried to wet it a little bit, but it doesn't stay moist. I'm worried that if I apply too much water it will drown. On a lighter note it's still chirping for now :/
okay, if I were you I would just start peeling of the shell where the air cell is. once you have removed the shell where the air cell is - and only where the air cell is - then make a slit in the membrane. if there is no blood and the duckling is still chirping then continue to peel off the membrane until the head has emerged, the duckling should be able to use its legs to push itself out. I have a video of me getting a chick out the egg this same way - if you want, I can send it to you to help you. the chicks survived and is now a beautiful healthy and happy hen. good luck! just go for it, at this stage, where the ducklings life is in danger, the best thing to do I just go for it! :)
the inner membrane is like a jelly wet thing - once you have removed the outer membrane the jelly type one can just be peeled off as well x
this is a good example on you tube:
the woman removes the shell and membrane, I would only remove the shell in this way first, then remove the membrane after
Thank you so much for all the advice! Currently I have removed the shell and outer membrane and the beak is poking through. I have put bacitracin on the inner membrane to keep it moist. I put it back in the incubator because I am worried about shrink wrapping. I feel at this point I should just wait and see if it will progress on it's own and attempt to help it again tomorrow??

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