Dry skin on Comb?

Attack Chicken

[IMG]emojione/assets/png/2665.png?v=2.2.7[/IMG] Hu
11 Years
Sep 25, 2008
Indianapolis, IN
I'm just sitting here looking at my roo's comb and it seems like he has a dry comb :\\ It's flakey and white.He's very healthy and active it just seems like he has a dry comb issue. Started when it got cold out.Any advice how to keep it to were it's not so dry?
You can rub a little mineral oil, olive oil or vaseline or even a drop or two of VetRx, which has several oils in it, on the comb. I have several Barred Rock girls who have especially dry combs in spite of oils in their diet, etc. It's been very dry here, too.
Thanks. I love my roo so much and I don't want anything to bother him
He's my big baby.
I used Vaseline and it worked well. It was a little hard to smooth around on the comb though. It didn't seem like they liked me messing with their comb. The olive oil sounds a lot easier to apply than vaseline.

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